Bela pediatrician Dr. Bauer, Ph.D., head physician of 50 years of experience in a number of disease symptoms and treatment of child describes the dengue maternity blog visitors. "Very helpful advice we read again. I recommend every parent's attention." KL
Common skin diseases in children 0-3 years of age PICTURES
Newborns face the serdülőkéhez like pustules may appear, which is caused by hormones, also self-heal in a month. Warm moist environment due to the immaturity of the sweat glands all newborn dengue babies and sweat-prone to inflammation. On the face, the back of his bottom small vesicles, red spots appear. Providing appropriate preventive SERE temperature, airy, loose clothing is recommended. The rash can be covered in layers of talcum powder
miliaria-. Yellow pin-points (overactive sebaceous glands) may be seen in the newborn's face. They disappear in a few weeks without treatment. The diapers dengue of the most common skin disease in infancy. Urine and feces irritant effect on the skin wet diaper rubbing the skin kipirosodásához length, felmaródásához lead. Fungi and bacteria can multiply in the field. Frequent replacement treatment is recommended to use disposable diapers. Appropriate treatment several times a day gyógykenőcsös and creamy wash cleaning help.
Because of childhood eczema occur most child-dermatological binding. Based on the innate tendency of recurring inflammation of the skin, especially the face, head, bends occur. The dry skin all over the body, and very itchy skin is intact. Bacteria eczematous areas viruses felülfertőződhetnek, hólyagossá dengue then become dengue pörkössé. The children have eczema food and respiratory dengue allergies are also a part of, it is possible to investigate if there is suspicion. Breast feeding is important in preventing eczema. The treatment of eczema is a difficult task, the main dry, itchy skin regular dengue nursing. Wash cream, bath oil, fast swimming, after the necessary lubrication ointment rubbed on the skin, and medication dengue prescribed by your dermatologist ointment should be used in the troubled area. The itch internally damped dengue given agent. What hurt the eczema patient? Wool, mohair and synthetic material made to wear clothes, dry winter air in the home increases the itching. The fur of pets, cigarette smoke and dust mites should be removed from the immediate environment. The stress can provoke itching. Some foods, such as milk, eggs, fish, nuts, peanuts, tomatoes, citrus fruits also worsen the skin condition. Proposed deletion causing complaints from the diet. A common question when hogv growing into the child's eczema. 75% outgrow dengue around puberty, those who suffer from respiratory allergies, this is the ratio worse. Ringworm dengue is caused by bacteria, can occur anywhere on the skin. Red spots and blisters, oozing then, pörkös wound occurs, which spreads dengue more quickly. Highly contagious. Dealing with antiseptic solution dengue compress, pörkeltávolítás and prescribed by your doctor paints and applying lotion dengue several times a day. The recovery time is 7-10 days. Extensive internal case, antibiotic treatment may be necessary. The infection is caused by scabies mite. Night excruciating itching associated. dengue The similarity between the fingers and toes, palms and soles of small blisters, lumps, scratching traces indicates the presence of the mite. The proposed drug treatment should be carried out in accordance with the instructions several dengue times. Then, the skin should be treated for therapeutic healing cream. The attenuation of itching is important. The disease is contagious, so the asymptomatic family members should be treated with the laundry and linen to be washed, to be ironed. Insect Bites
Insects, flies, mosquitoes bites after intensely itchy lumps, dengue blisters on the skin, their numbers are increasing. The child may become susceptible to insect nyálára, and this will cause more and more rash, which may be delayed for a long time. Viszketéscsillapító used internally to treat locally compress, respectively. proposed soothing, antiseptic ointment. The Naevus flammeus or fire spots on the face, scalp or back may occur. The leather does not stand out, but if esztétikikai cause larger problems. If unilateral and large, one-third of the scalp is extended to the proposed pediatric investigation as well. The majority of the lesions are less self-absorbed.
Hemangioma or éranyajegyek the most common form of birth is shown as a red spot, usually on the head, limbs appear. After a few months start to grow fast. Málnaszerűe