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Expected to occur before the age of sexual maturation signs "precocious puberty" takes its name. This age varies from country to country. Minimum age of males in Mediterranean countries 9, she said that in the eighth.
True and false, tension headaches known as precocious puberty early adolescence are divided into two groups. The main feature of early erdenlig true that women in the sex glands ovaries, testes, tension headaches and the maturation of male secondary sex characteristics of the sexual organs (eg the emergence of hair, growth of the breast) is the emergence. This development takes place through mechanisms tension headaches of normal puberty and show similar features. The hypothalamus and pituitary endocrine function, depending on their menstrual stimulated in developing true precocious puberty in girls, sperm production in men begins at an early stage. The true precocious puberty can have many causes; All of the common central nervous system, especially in the hypothalamus is damaged. The reason for glioma, craniopharyngioma, tension headaches astrocytoma, hamartoma or pineal tension headaches tumors, tension headaches such as a brain tumor can be connected to a lesion in the hypothalamus sarcoidosis or tuberculosis.
Fibrous dysplasia of bone (disorder resulting in connective tissue) Albright syndrome tension headaches characterized by the structural defect in the skull base bone, leading to local pressure in the hypothalamus leads to true precocious puberty. But still true precocious puberty in most of the cases, especially in women, the cause of the disease is unknown. In these patients, such as computed tomography enayrıntıl and structural abnormalities of the skull can not be determined even with modern diagnostic methods. Cause unknown true precocious puberty, called functional disorders of the hypothalamus-pituitary-sex gland nerve center tension headaches in this table are thought to suppress the activity of the system. Real early puberty varies depending on the cause of the results. Induced by a brain disease symptoms in early adolescence true (the disorder) ağutğ (degree) of the underlying disease of the brain (brain tumor, granulomatous k / jm etc) settlements, and depends upon the brain lesion surgically tension headaches removed. Cause unknown true precocious puberty sexual maturation is not reflected in the function of metabolism and sexual organs. As a result, growth stops at an early age, children's relationships with peers may encounter when setting up psychological problems. In early adolescence false sexual organs and secondary sex characteristics, is developed from mature sex glands. This often adrenal gland hormones or sex then causes to be produced in excess due to a tumor. Sex hormones contribute to the development of secondary sex characteristics; but also in the pituitary gonadotropin secretion and the secretion of hormones that the development of the sex glands and sex glands (gonat) the cat's progress. In these patients, the external genitals and menstruation in girls although developed secondary sex characteristics in male sperm production is not visible. Also, compliance with the sex of the child has developmental secondary sex characteristics (izoseksüel) tension headaches or in non-compliance (heterosexual) may be, virilization in females and males Feminization may occur. tension headaches
Pseudo-precocious puberty in male characteristics, sexual organs and neck despite the early growth of the testes remain small. The secondary sex characteristics are yalrıız of pubescence. Male adrenal gland tumor or induced by excessive growth of the adrenal gland false early adolescence excess adrenal androgen, is secreted. tension headaches Further, a tumor of the testes may lead to this condition also secrete testosterone in excess. In addition, hepatoma (liver tumor) and small cell lung cancer in gonadot-ropin human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) hormone to be released false depending on arrival it was found that early puberty. tension headaches
Izoseksüel pseudo-precocious puberty in girls is caused by estrogen-secreting ovarian tumors. Adrenal gland tumors with excessive androgen tension headaches secretion during puberty early liar emerging heterosexual and masculine appears clitoris is also improved secondary sex characteristics. Congenital adrenal tension headaches hyperplasia (increase in cell number) tension headaches is not treated tension headaches enzyme defects that cause erdişilig liar liar as well as heterosexuals can also cause early puberty.
Some early arrival only one type of sex characteristics at puberty early. Growth of breast most common female sexual organ and fuzz around. The males of the same age are not connected to the endocrine gland imbalance disorders seen. They, of warning to the surrounding tissues tension headaches of sex hormones are thought to arise from the inappropriate answers.
Patients with early sexual
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