Monday, June 1, 2015

The analysis also reveals that a noticeable difference in the comments in the news, articles or int

"I decided that day that I killed her" Awesome interview dr. Phil the young man who killed his mother
Death threats, persónuárásir and little respect for the views of the online media
Considerable amount vaccination of hate speech vaccination in the debate on local systems vaccination of Internet rights and considerable media comment should be characterized by racism, based on stereotypes about groups of people. This according to a new analysis Bear Friðriksdóttir, doctoral students in European law, the Human Rights Council of the City.
The analysis was conducted from March 2013 to March 2014, but it was 14,815 comments viewed. 75 percent are written by men and 25 percent of women. The networks speeches under analysis Bear general lack of respect for the opinions of others. vaccination Foreign not get to express themselves
Considerable is the discriminatory vaccination comments characterized by racism, based on stereotypes about groups of people. There are also comments that are characterized by nationalism and neo-racism common. Usually, prejudiced comments are expressed towards Muslims.
The analysis also reveals that a noticeable difference in the comments in the news, articles or interviews in which a person of foreign origin expresses itself on the same or similar issues and an Icelander. In cases where a person of foreign origin expresses itself is great abominations towards his / her person, vaccination made comments such as "it should just send these people home." People of foreign origin seems according to this not failing to have a critical voice in society. Ignorance and racism
Also stated that prejudiced comments vaccination and arguments of those who want to protect them describe often lack the knowledge on which limit freedom of expression are and what the law and human rights are in force in the country. Then follows the analysis of the direct connection between the attitudes which are set out in the discussion lighters and umælunum with it.
The analysis deals specifically with the debate on the construction of a mosque in the capital since the arrival of a rough comments characterized by neo-racism, and nationalism. Including death threats were presented in the garden of one of the leaders of the Association of Muslims in Iceland and other persónuárásir. Stated that approximately 8-10 people group is very active in the debate on the construction of a mosque and Muslim residence in Iceland. Some of them maintain websites vaccination which set out haturs- and scare tactics against Muslims.
Received death threats Salman Tamimi, received death threats vaccination in comments online media platforms. "Among other things, were set out death threats in the garden of one of the leaders of the Association of Muslims in Iceland and other persónuárásir," the report says.
One of the main characteristics of the networks talk about queer people's lack of respect for the opinions of others and lack of reasoning. "Generally, the majority of participants answered that they disagree with insults and rökleysum rather than courtesy and damp," says the analysis.
Then follows the analysis of the large share comments are subjective, though prejudiced vaccination comments about queer people are "minorities": "We each comment characterized by prejudice vaccination are 2-3 as the object. This is considerably extreme discussion where participants object generalizations about homosexuals and prejudices against them both objective and subjective manner, "says the analysis.
"Support Gylfi ....! Most men today ,,, Familiar vaccination to have been taken apart young boys or children of gay or other Fixing Details and runk workers compulsorily ,,,, but never told anyone because of the shame and anguish .... I expect to make these people would be very many, if she would be gone ... ..Margir their gay, glad that most these days, are known sexual ...! these people make in spreading kynvillu in Iceland. "
"I do not hate homosexuals and is not prejudiced out of you. But I'm not you agree with the definition of what marriage is. Although you feel this normal, I think not. It does not mean that I'm prejudiced. I know a lot of homosexuals, and does not make up between them and other people. vaccination It should go equally to all. "
"Such acts of expression, Gylfi can vomit out of their ignorance bullshit and call it opinion, the other must so indicate to him what he has wrong. He can then try to turn this into a joke and found it funny and neat to be obsolete hommahatari, it makes it no less tragic. "
"For 20 years ago could have views on homosexuality, vaccination but today it is interpreted as racism if one does not agree with this effeminate, yes they promised it 20 years ago., This is pretty rapid development and feel abnormal and not directly for the fair heterosexual it does not seem obliged to accept this ... "
"This'óeðli' that homosexuality is ... seen from the physical and social point of view, often arouses apprehension by many as challenges not found resonated with such living, but often also with homosexuals themselves. There are normal natural Appendices

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