Sunday, September 14, 2014

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The first symptoms of pregnancy are usually very individual and do not necessarily occur in all pregnant women. However, if you think you are pregnant, or are working on the new addition, you are probably anxious to know the answer if you are in another state. The first symptoms of pregnancy
1st Fatigue and exhaustion - as a result of rising levels jock itch of HCG hormone, most pregnant women can have a few days after conception until the end of the first quarter, feel very exhausted and sleepy. Do you feel that your fatigue caused by a possible pregnancy, avoid consuming caffeine to wake them up. We recommend that you prefer to take a walk in the fresh air or drink a glass of cold water.
Second Implantation bleeding - in the first ten days after conception, you might notice slight bleeding, which occurs as a result of implantation of fertilized ova into the uterus. It may take 3 to 4 days and it is easily mistaken jock itch for a period. However, this symptom of pregnancy poses no danger jock itch to your baby, so there is no reason for concern.
3rd cramps and back pain - during the first few days you might feel cramping in the lower abdomen, similar to menstrual cramps. They can be tracked back pain, which occurs very early in pregnancy.
5 Changes in the senses of taste and smell - Many women feel increasingly everyday odors and dramatically changes the sense of taste. You may have the desire for food, which until then did not like, or avoid your favorite foods. Also, many pregnant women early in pregnancy can feel the taste of metal in your mouth.
6th Nausea and vomiting - many pregnant women can have in the first month of pregnancy until the end of the trimester, feel nauseated. Although it is often called morning sickness, it may be in gusts occur at any time of the day or last throughout the day. Try to eat frequent small meals and you can not avoid food, so as not to aggravate nausea. Because of these pregnancy jock itch symptoms many women in the first trimester jock itch of pregnancy can lose weight.
7th Dizziness - during long standing or getting up increased pressure uterine arteries in the legs can lead to a drop in blood pressure. This pregnancy symptom can also occur as a result of avoiding food or skipping meals because of nausea, leading to low blood sugar levels.
8th Chest tightness - many women in the early stages of pregnancy may feel that their breasts were swollen, sensitive to touch or even painful. Also, the color of the veins on the chest can become bolder and nipples ispupčenije, but this is usually the case only at a later stage of pregnancy.
9th nervousness and sensitivity - these pregnancy jock itch symptoms may be due to increased levels of hormones jock itch in the body and may be accompanied by sudden jock itch changes of mood. Try to find new ways to relax and do not let hormones overcome and spoil you this wonderful period.
10th Frequent urination - this pregnancy symptom may occur in the first week of pregnancy, and be more intense in the coming months. Frequent urination occurs as a result jock itch of a sudden increase in the uterus after fertilization and enhanced processing jock itch of body fluids during jock itch pregnancy.
11th Fever - although this symptom of pregnancy usually jock itch do not notice, it may be useful for women who plan to become pregnant. jock itch Monitored daily body temperature at the same time (preferably in the morning).
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