Saturday, September 13, 2014

The key days of the cycle are: - 13th or 14th day: ovulation - day 21: Temperature rise if there is

Using BBT can tell if you are pregnant and a week before the period, or for a week after ovulation. Fever is considered to be the first signal of pregnancy and is very reliable indicator in regular oscillococcinum cycles, and people who follow your basal temperature for at least three months. However, the error is always possible, and certainly for determining pregnancy must contact your doctor.
Before the measurements you need to know: This determination of pregnancy is not always reliable, and it is possible only if you have followed the basal temperature in her cycle and know exactly when she was ovulating. In addition, a single cycle is not ideal, and the deviations are almost always present, oscillococcinum but if you have a habit of measuring basal and know how to behave with you during oscillococcinum temperature cycles, temperature changes should not be a reliable indicator. All tables refer to the ideal cycle, and since each cycle at each separate women, pregnancy can be confirmed or disproved by a physician.
The key days of the cycle are: - 13th or 14th day: ovulation - day 21: Temperature rise if there is a pregnancy - 25th day: Temperature drop if there was no pregnancy. If your cycles are not regular and are longer or shorter than 28 days, it is important to recognize ovulation, as in women with irregular cycles oscillococcinum first phase of the cycle is variable, while the second phase after ovulation almost always the same length (14 or 15 days) with similar temperature characteristics, regardless oscillococcinum of the total length oscillococcinum of the cycle. No pregnancy: In an ideal cycle, in which there was no pregnancy, the temperature will rise after ovulation, and stay around 37 degrees Fahrenheit until the 25th day of the cycle and then begin to fall.
Pregnancy: The cycle in which pregnancy occurred, the temperature oscillococcinum will rise slightly (by 1 degree or two) in the 21 day cycle and will start falling after 25 days. All the above table refer to the ideal cycle, and since each cycle at each separate women, pregnancy can be confirmed or disproved by a physician, oscillococcinum and to determine the pregnancy must contact your doctor.
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