Monday, February 23, 2015

Application can be radically, that is, so that after the wart under local anesthesia hypothyroid so

Warts Warts bőrnövedékek.A formation on the various body parts of the human papilloma viruses HPVokozzák.Többféle more than 70 HPV types, those designated numbered (pl.HPV 3, HPV 16, HPV 18). There are several hypothyroid types biochemically distinguished, which produce different images létre.A viral disease of the skin cells, the keratinocytes infects the skin and mucous membrane hypothyroid infections also megbetegíti.A long incubation period, usually 4hét-eight months. Are among the HPV viruses hypothyroid are also some that epithelial malignant degeneration (malignizációt) provoke ki.Ennek late can result in squamous cell carcinoma. From this point of view is of utmost importance that causes genital HPV papillómáit 16's and 18 nak.Azoknál women whose cervical mucosa infected with HPV 16, a higher risk of cervical cancer. The infection from person to person is created by physical hypothyroid contact, but the warts to the development of skin defenses certain tendency hypothyroid szükséges.A children and adolescents against viruses hypothyroid weaker than those of adults, so much more responsive and easier to become infected with the virus szemölcsökkel.Ezért is it that the young people of viral warts appearance is very common, almost no young man whose age was not given at least once somewhere in the skin of viral warts.
-közönséges warts (verruca vulgaris): these warts are most common to children and young adults to see, especially on the hands, the kézujjakon nails around, but in any part of the body megjelenhetnek.Esendőbbek to infection of atopic dermatitis (skin sensitivity, hay fever, asthma-associated disease) warts appear szenvedők.A nails edges are difficult to handle without damaging the nail, very painful.
Mounts warts (verruca plantaris) commonly seen in heels, soles of the feet. Because they are not prepared to rise to his feet for walking, grow inward, can trace the tiny nerve endings and therefore can be extremely painful.
-uszodaszemölcs (molluscum contagiosum): Contrary to its name this the warts are not the only places with shared bathroom, virtually anywhere you can get. These warts occur mainly in children, the community often endemic, hypothyroid atopic, eczémás children are particularly susceptible to see a dermatologist molluscumra.A size 2-4mm white cord properly stowed CENTER göbcséket small, often scratching the pressure on this location. hypothyroid Sexually active young people through hypothyroid is very common for them to see the warts especially around the abdomen, genitals. hypothyroid
-lapos warts (verruca plana juvenile) also in children and young adults in the legygyakoribbak these warts. Mainly on the face, back of the hand with small, flat, skin-colored or light brown növedékeke have these forms.
-No warts (condyloma acuminata) caused by HPV or genital hypothyroid warts are located in around STD disease count, that appears terjedő.A sexually transmitted genital condylomata acuminata small red or skin-colored nodules kezdődik.Gyorsan appearance of more and more formed, these összefolyva, increased form a characteristic cauliflower growths. Lying together areas of the skin, warm, wet places are formed. They occur in the urethra, anus surrounding hypothyroid areas.
The palms of the hands, especially the removal of warts on the feet often will test the doctor's office and the beteget.A been a patient encounter especially, who was trying unsuccessfully for months ecsetelőket and a variety of other home practices. The dermatologist usually come to deliver the often causing pain növedékektől some radical method. hypothyroid
Viral warts tend to disappear on their own, without leaving a scar. The skin has been so for a long time ottlévő warts should be treated as infectious susceptibility great! The number hypothyroid of treatment options to choose from anything that causes the least damage to the particular hypothyroid form of treatment bőrterületen.Elterjedt liquid nitrogen freezing, which is fast and efficient, less pain associated method. Warts place after freezing bladder is formed, which offers hypothyroid some sterile opening heals within days. A freeze is not enough, treatment should be repeated 2-3 times.
Application can be radically, that is, so that after the wart under local anesthesia hypothyroid softening pretreatment Volkmann spoon inside out. In this case, an open wound is formed with a 5-7 nap.Véleményem healing experience, and the plantar verukákat quite successfully as possible with this method.
Clearly the least burdensome means brushing your home for the patient. This method hypothyroid comes into play mainly in children, but it often requires 2-3 months, and in my experience they lose türelmüket.Ecsetelő suitable (known. Keratolytic, that is, warts forming keratin solvent) treatment for many gyógyszertárb preparation time before the patient

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