Itching is the most common and most characteristic skin symptoms. Many people suffer from it, and so can cause intense pains, which prevent the full peace of mind to work, sleep, every ordinary action. pollen count
Over the past few years, an explosion has evolved and changed fundamentally knowledge itching mechanizmusáról.Ma now know that the itching is not a kind of a pain stimulus, as hitherto assumed, but on a stand-alone érzékelés.A pollen count present position causes the epidermis and the boundary of the connective tissue ending nerves stimulation of the feeling excruciating itching. These fibers are connected via the spinal cord and the brain cortex of the page.
What itchy? This is a very complicated issue and, in general, not only in dermatology kompetenciája.Ez extremely unpleasant problem which usually occurs in the skin, but this is not always the case, since in some cases also be itchy inflamed mucous membranes such as the throat and pharynx .: Interior also .The cutaneous symptoms pollen count in many cases not dermatological disease jelentenek.És from now the problem affects: belgyógyászokat, aneszteziológusokat, oncologist, ideggyógyászokat, etc. pszihijátereket. Because the theme of many players itching in medicine!
Anything can be replaced by the unbearable feeling encourages scratching the itch. And although the result of scratching relieved the patient for 30-40 seconds, because pollen count for a short time notification neural pathways to the brain turns off, then increased and the sore appears, corrosive feeling the itch will be even stronger. In other words, a "vicious pollen count circle" is formed, because the more you scratch the skin, the more you itch.
What can they do? If you can see the skin eye shows signs of rash, red spots, blisters, then the first step, a dermatologist advised to fordulni.Hiszen a lot of skin disease associated viszketéssel.Az acute, usually cause associated with external events, outstanding short-term itching: insect bites, chicken pox, fungal infections, viral infections, avoid contact with skin contact allergens, parasitic skin infections such. The lice and scabies. The acute itching next to differentiate pollen count between chronic (more than 6 weeks existing) is.A itching of skin diseases, chronic itching caused by the psoriasis, atopic dermatitis (eczema), bullous skin diseases. pollen count
If no skin disease that causes itching, a dermatologist for further medical tests are sent to explore the causes of itching pácienst.A requires a thorough investigation. The ordinary complaint sometimes serious internal organ problems utal.Különféle medical disorders such as itching pollen count act. Diabetes, liver disease, kidney failure, thyroid dysfunction, incurable cancer etiology, psychic disturbances.
In addition to the above-mentioned diseases should be mentioned in old age viszketést.A dry skin is part of the aging. Reduced fat content of the epidermis, the sweat, the faggyúképződés.Kifejezett cases, scaling, itching and hámfelszínen fine cracks jelentkeznek.Sokszor the itching and scratching his skin produces symptoms that can be difficult to distinguish other skin diseases. Itchy systemic disease should be excluded! If you can not prove underlying disease or dermatological disease, pollen count pruritus senilis the dijagnózis whose formation pollen count mechanism is not ismert.Télen, especially during the heating season, many older people érint.Kezelése quite difficult. The treatment and prevention of a transverse not very important for the high temperature and adequate humidity environment, with plenty pollen count of fluids, pollen count frequent use of the personal care lotions. The douche done 2-3 times per week maximum without going to the cleaners! In my pre-order pollen count from November to March almost daily complaints include itching and confess frankly, is no small effort for me to understanding of the patient, stop the use of ablution and shower gels, soaps, shampoos daily!
Treatment of itching analogy may be: symptomatic or oki.A effectiveness of treatment depends on the cause of exploration. Do not tell the patient to hold back and not vakarózzon, because I know that what I have to itch to scratch! Mitigate or eliminate the itching many opportunities: antihistamine agents, anti-inflammatory ointments, cooling products, sedatives, etc. steroidos ointments. The only permanent cure to identify and eliminate the causes they bring.
Nail Skin Care Televideo The skin usually skin symptoms related to diabetes in the dandruff of sun exposure pollen count hazards and protect from light female baldness of acne of scabies Acne Vulgaris Birthmark warts, corns Aging dermatologist eyes dermatitis atopic infectious skin diseases ticks About the dermatologist eyes (Lyme disease Lyme- borreliosis) Sun Allergy and other sexual disorders Pruritus Psoriasis Vulgaris Rosacea perioral dermatitis, itching Viru Pregnancy
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