Bela pediatrician Dr. Bauer, Ph.D., head physician of 50 years of experience symptoms of pregnancy in a number of disease symptoms and treatment of child describes symptoms of pregnancy the maternity blog visitors. "Very helpful advice we read again. I recommend every parent's symptoms of pregnancy attention." KL
The neurological problems, however, there is becoming increasingly common in the first months of the infant's life, despite the fact that the conditions of confinement have been significantly improved, and the trauma of premature birth or birth complications decreased. Neonatal infection occurred during birth or oxygen deficiency require increased supervision. Such newborns at risk who are different tests to be carried out in order to evaluate the motor development. They make it possible to some extent, the musculoskeletal system, exploring possibilities for further development. However, it could happen so infant who was problem-free conditions in the world to age or later, some lag (retardation) can be realized in two or three months: there is the delay of the smile, the head posture, hand movements and catches manifestations and sit-ups . Could we also symptoms that do not always arouse immediate interest in our example the face or some of the hand areas of special state, or for example, it may be useful to remember altered the movement of the fetus, who say kicked less during pregnancy last week. In all cases, we have to reckon with the fact that there are anomalies can be explained, and there are some that are very difficult to evaluate and forecast to go into in relation to them. These outcomes will be decided in a few months, when the symptoms are recovering or muted.
Broadly speaking, four classes are typical symptoms of abnormal movement in the field of development. In some cases, just plain tónuskésésről is only words. Which basically symptoms of pregnancy means that there is only a delay in movement activities in learning, but the proper physical and mental development of infants age. The studies carried out show normal values. The child sits up later and later starts to run, but it will be completely normal development in the coming period. In this case, it is conceivable that the baby is staying impoverished environment, or too indifferent between concern nanny. You may have to change the way surveillance results to the development of motion activity. Some babies are born weak muscle tone, which can fluctuate within certain limits condition for trouble-free babies. However, it appears that this condition is more severe abnormality cover as simple izomtónuskésés. Some studies (eslősorban muscle and nerve sample analysis) to reveal the infant neurological or muscular disorder. In the latter case, if the disturbances occur only at the level of the spinal cord and the nerves, but not affecting the brain, peripheral (peripheral) injuries are talking about. The third group are those infants who are in the early months of abnormal, increased muscle symptoms of pregnancy tone can be observed in the limbs, while the weak tone of the trunk muscles. The baby, however, before the age of six to eight months, it is very difficult to judge whether the brain motor center which areas affected causing diseases listed: developing childhood unilateral agyféltekebénulás (hemiplegia), spinal cord insult due to paraplegia of the lower limbs (paraplegia), the limbs and the rigid body, forced, twisting nature of movement, making it difficult symptoms of pregnancy to coordinate movements (ahetosis). It is also very difficult task to assess the degree of intellectual development, which, of course, then the terms of the admission process is greatly influenced later. Végüls let 's say the word on the baby product whose development is characterized by a broad delay. Not detectable clear musculoskeletal disorders, but some mental and emotional disorders are present. These can be caused by metabolic disorders, brain disorders, chromosomal anomalies or other serious disorders. However, the medicine more often unable to establish an accurate diagnosis in these cases. Hearing problems already in the first hours or days of the first notice that the baby odafordítja to the head of the voice, the soft music or the direction of a more or less intense noise. The blinking reflex can help you be assured of hearing of infants. If someone crack the finger next to the infant's ears - in order to prevent the movement that disrupts the little - blinking immediately respond to sound. If the slightest suspicion, without delay, be sure to have it tested by an infant symptoms of pregnancy ear, nose and throat symptoms of pregnancy specialist. The serous otitis very many cases, there is only a latent form in the infant, but hard of hearing or have a minimum of 20-30% can result in permanent hearing loss, which can cause difficulties in speech development.
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