Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Another option is peeling pcos chemical peels. It is a non-invasive method that faded in and rejuve

Home B02171 eHealth and telemedicine - Teaching pcos Winter semester pcos 2012-2013 B02172 Instrumentation in regeneration and aesthetic medicine (for Czech students) pcos B82172 Cosmetology - Appliances in Regeneration and Aesthetic Medicine (for foreign students) B02329 Monitoring and treatment of obesity
The skin (epidermis) is composed of many layers of squamous cells. The top layer of the skin constantly rohovatí, which leads to their death and peel off. It is caused by cells in the upper layers of the skin are becoming more and more moving away from sources of blood and nutrients, so there is a gradual degeneration. They fill with keratin (horn) and die. The entire skin variations are about three weeks. For the entire life of the man peeled about 18 to 22 kilograms of dead skin cells. The cells in the lower layers of the skin is constantly subdivided and extruded mature cells to the surface. The lower layers of the skin is also pigmented pcos melanin pigment which protects the body from the harmful effects of UV radiation. The skin contains no blood capillaries (capillaries) and most of the nutrients extracted from the dermis.
The skin has several functions. The peeling is worth mentioning the regeneration. Function regeneration - means that the skin cells are capable of unlimited pcos division. These skin cells are stored in the basal layer and allowing pcos a constant change and regeneration.
Peeling is an activity that involves the abrasion of dead skin cells in order to remove the dead skin. Is most frequently performed with a cream which contains coarse particles. Exfoliating cream or gel contains mikročástečky and in combination with gently massage your face with your dead skin perfect order. Without peeling the skin should stay dead skin much longer, and causes an unhealthy greyish pcos color. This procedure should not be performed more than once a week, the risk of damaging your skin. There are both facial and body scrubs. Do not scrub the face and vice versa.
Another option is peeling pcos chemical peels. It is a non-invasive method that faded in and rejuvenate aging skin. It can smooth out fine wrinkles, soften acne scars and enlarged pores. It is used also to remove moles and has a positive effect on oily skin too. After treatment, regeneration occurs superficial layers of the skin and the gradual formation of collagen in the dermis in a few days. This method is suitable for all skin types. Treatment chemical peels takes a few minutes. Used peeling mixture of different substances, mostly hydroxy acids. Depending on the depth of the damaged skin and according to the chosen concentration and length of exposure to chemical peels are divided into superficial, medium depth and deep.
During the treatment the face Apply the mixture with a brush - very skin regeneration is visible immediately after the procedure. The most commonly used agents in the application of chemical peels are: glycolic acid, Jessnerův solution, TCA, Tretinoin, azelaic acid, mandelic acid.
Cavitation peeling - a procedure performed by ultrasound, deep cleansing using ultrasonic waves - which allows the removal pcos of excess sebum from the pores, blackheads and dead skin cells
Selection of devices for peeling is quite wide, then only depends on the company and the price. Benefits apparatus for peeling - just one treatment pcos unit, we will replace the bark of 4 treatments chemical peels. And the chemical peeling is necessary after a period of treatment to avoid sunlight and use creams with high SPF. The exception is the biopeeling - a new generation of chemical peeling, sun protection is not necessary literature and resources Kindersley Dorling. 1001 questions and answers. First ed Bratislava: Teams al. Ltd., 1996ne. ISBN 80-88799-24-4. pp. 32 and 60 HUGHES, James. Great picture the general encyclopedia. [Sl]: Svojtka pcos & Co., 1999. ISBN 80-7237-256-4. Chapter human body - skin and hair, p 165 [online]. [Cit. 16.04.2013]. Available from: [online]. [Cit. 16.04.2013]. Available from:
Author: Adriana Hloušková, BNT - kombi, 1 year, 1 LF UK entry was posted in Recognised essay and its author pcos is rejuvenated-09. You can save the link to your favorite bookmarks or share it with friends.
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