Friday, September 20, 2013

In the female and male sex organs are Borrelia, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma,

In the May issue of Regen I read wishy-washy article about acne, which not only testify about the holistic approach to acne, but neither had ambitions to uncover the causes of the disease, let alone readers really familiar with the methods available today that are used in classical dermatology. From 14 to 42 years I suffered from moderate acne. I'm 57 and have clean skin. I'm not with her now, except for the occasional cottage cheese wraps, nothing.
At puberty we hoped it would go away on its own, as an adult, I visited a skin doctor and specialist cosmetic work. I expected to pass the examination of blood, urine and stool to determine the cause, because I knew that the fault is somewhere inside. That did not happen. One dermatologist I banned a number of food and sunbathing. After deployment diets nothing happened. Sunbathing helped me, so I did not listen. Other dermatologist suggested that I put 4 /!! / Packaging tetracycline,,, then we'll see! " It was clear he did not know what to do with it. I refused such treatment. On a dedicated cosmetic clinic forbade me to squeeze comedones, then I squeezed it yourself. The doctor grinned at the mention that I want to try homeopathy. I got to use topical salicylic acid, which did not help me at all.
I turned to homeopathy - after half a year of use to alleviate the symptoms of acne tolerability, the next thing I failed to improve. Biolamp had decent results, but transient. I went to her always before menses, when the skin worse. I survived thanks to her menstrual period in a socially acceptable condition, but after a month it was there again. Then I came across a method of detoxification, MD. Jonah. The advantage was that I measured from the beginning of itself, herself ordained ovulation calculator a combination of medication and I concentrated on uncovering and removal of specific infections in the body.
I was cleaning one body after another. ovulation calculator Acne gone unnoticed around after detoxification to have returned. Over time, the exchange surface structure of the skin, so that gradually disappeared and colored speckles ovulation calculator after pupíncích.
Latest issue of Dermatology, in which the papers contributed by top dermatologists from across the country, was aimed precisely at present acne and its treatment. I give it a lift. Comparing with all the possibilities of alternative medicine.
4th immunological processes and inflammation.
The production of sebum in the sebaceous cells is regulated by androgens, ovulation calculator which are the main source of adrenal glands and gonads. Some patients, however, increasingly produce sebum, even if normal androgen levels. Elevated androgen levels in serum are in polycystic ovary syndrome, with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and the use of certain types of hormonal contraception. Children and juvenile acne resulting circulating adrenal ovulation calculator and gonadal androgens. For girls and women with acne linked to the menstrual cycle.
Elevated levels of androgens is also adrenal tumors or liver parenchyma, bronchial carcinoma syndrome in pregnancy corpus ovulation calculator luteum (remains), rarely ovulation calculator enzyme defect. Women may suffer in addition to acne and increased body hair (hirsutism) ovulation calculator
and zhruběním ovulation calculator voice. For many patients, the results of hormonal, gynecological, possibly endocrinological examinations are within normal ovulation calculator limits. Leather is an active endocrine body with its own androgen metabolism! In affected individuals is likely to increase the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to androgenic hormones.
First Doping acne is a result of the use of body building steroids, testosterone and anabolic steroids.
4th Excessive doses of UV radiation, improper tanning oils and creams. While moderate sun exposure helps to calm the symptoms of acne especially the sea and the mountains, ovulation calculator in more severe cases, on the other hand can make acne worse. The share can have a certain percentage of oil in seawater.
antidepressants such as citalopram), ovulation calculator antimigraine (Relpax) Lexaurin and almost
All contributors agree that acne is a chronic disease and all medications only control the symptoms of acne but does not cure it. Therapy should be done long term. The first results are seen in a month, after the intensive phase of treatment is still necessary maintenance treatment, often for several years. After discontinuation of drug relapse. The doctor, the patient must come to terms with chronic ovulation calculator illness. Supportive treatment consists of regular cleaning of the skin by your doctor. Improper care can worsen symptoms. Dietary measures have on the course of acne usually has no effect. Very rarely gets worse after eating large amounts of chocolate, fatty, sweet or spicy foods.
View of Holistic Medicine
In the female and male sex organs are Borrelia, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma,

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