Friday, September 27, 2013

What causes a stroke? Stroke is most commonly contagion 2011 associated with atherosclerosis - thic

DEADLY STROKE directly linked to high blood pressure |
Thousands of people in our country contagion 2011 lies paralyzed lived after stroke. With AIDS and cancer, stroke is a disease that probably causes contagion 2011 the most fear, and the most common cause of disability in Western civilization.
As is the case with a heart attack, and until these serious conditions, sometimes even with fatal outcome, usually comes without warning. About a quarter of victims younger than 70 years of age die from the first attack. After 70 year, and that figure doubles.
What causes a stroke? Stroke is most commonly contagion 2011 associated with atherosclerosis - thickening, narrowing and hardening of the blood vessels that supply the brain with blood rich in oxygen and nutrients. This atherosclerotic process can develop in the blood vessels of the brain or in the arteries that supply blood to the brain. Coarse, uneven inner surface of damaged blood vessels become possible nakupljališta fat and create conditions for the development of blood clots. When a blood vessel at the site of such damages entirely shut up, saying that it was created thrombosis.
Who is threatening risk of stroke? Most strokes are directly associated with high blood pressure. People with hypertension are eight times higher probability to suffer a stroke than people with normal blood pressure. In addition, atrial fibrillation (a condition that leads to heart neravnomernih) six times the risk of stroke.
Can you prevent a stroke? Yes, most of them can be prevented. Strokes and other diseases caused by lifestyle, you could almost disappear from the face of the planet in a single generation, if all of us together, at an early age, they began to accept habits that now we know for certain that the key to this whole story. Here's some advice:
- Learn to enjoy less salty food. In areas of the world where little salt intake, hypertension is virtually unknown. In countries like Japan, where it uses a lot of salt, stroke is the first on the list of causes of death.
- Eat foods low in fat and cholesterol and high in fiber. Studies have shown that fat intake not exceeding 15% of total daily caloric intake, and almost 0% cholesterol, protects the inside of your blood vessels from atherosclerosis.
The best news that you can now say is the realization that the clogged blood vessels can be cleaned without surgery! Thick, narrowed arteries again slowly open and recover if you consistently eat a very low-fat, vegetarian food, along with other, previously mentioned, healthy living habits. Although current scientific research in this regard contagion 2011 was paid to the coronary arteries, similar results can be expected contagion 2011 in the brain blood vessels, since the problem is essentially the same.
Every man is born with a soft, flexible and elastic walls of blood vessels. Many residents contagion 2011 around the world succeed throughout life to keep blood vessels contagion 2011 healthy and low blood pressure. And we can achieve if we are seriously trying to live healthy before it happens irreparable damage - stroke.
Throw salt. All we have to reduce the amount of salt you eat. Do not be afraid to miss your body of sodium. If food as the average resident, it may take up to 20 times more salt than you really need. Three things most responsible for such overdraft are:
- Saltshaker. Solve it! Already in the food we eat too much and get harmful amount of salt. Do not magnify this problem by pouring salt on top of dishes. Food will be a few weeks seem bland, but will have your delicious buds quickly adjust novoponuđenoj food and the beginnings enjoy milder tastes. Day soon arrives when you food that is now considered to be delicious oversalted.
- Salty snacks. Meals such as fried common sense, pretzels and salted peanuts are so dangerous that they should stand on the warning: "Caution: snacks are associated contagion 2011 with hypertension, stroke and heart disease. Eat them at your own risk. "If you need to snack, replace them with sticks of carrots or apple slices.
- Quick, contagion 2011 prepared contagion 2011 foods. If we reduce salt intake to five grams a day (one teaspoon), hypertension to the largest percentage of missing. However, we will never achieve this goal if you do not break the habit of eating fast food outlets. Only one MekDonaldsov contagion 2011 čisburger contains two grams of salt - almost half the recommended daily amount.
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Located in: View Tagged artery disease, tea, tobacco, obesity, snacks, thousands, hypertension, cholesterol, info

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