Saturday, November 23, 2013

In addition, should try as much as possible rarely visit the place where a lot of people staying, s

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Latvian beta blockers past week dramatically increased incidence of pneumonia or pneumonia, so people should be very careful to avoid becoming a victim of this dangerous disease, experts warn.
Pharmacies in recent times more and more people beta blockers for themselves or loved ones buys different medications upper and lower respiratory disease treatment, including prescription drugs. The greatest beta blockers concerns is that the people are so busy and Running that all need to quickly and instantly. In some cases, more serious illnesses such as the flu or pneumonia, are treated as a simple cold, "said pharmacist Liva Feldmane.
the common cold or flu grow into pneumonia, which is the most serious cases can be fatal, especially in young children and elderly people. If you use a preparation, no health improvement, without delay, to go to a family doctor, a pharmacist and encourages.
Disease Prevention and Control Center last flu monitoring data show that during the week of the 21st to 27th October pneumonia in outpatient settings turned 54.1% of patients beta blockers more than a week in advance - as a whole were 24.7 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. Between the ages of 5 and 14 years and older than 65 years group of people from the 21st to 27th October registered 30.5 and 14.8 cases of pneumonia beta blockers per 100 thousand inhabitants, while the last week of pneumonia cases have been registered. In the age group of 15 to 64 a week from 21st to 27th October outpatient facilities pneumonia cases addressed by 34.4% more patients than the week of the 14th to 20th October.
Family Doctor Dana Brass says that chronic upper respiratory and lung diseases beta blockers exacerbated by autumn beta blockers cool and wet weather, because the viruses are more activated. Sometimes pneumonia is a common cold, bronchitis or other respiratory disease complication.
Pneumonia is one of the most common diseases, which affected all age groups, and it is one of the major elderly and chronically beta blockers ill people causes of death. In addition, the world is also one of the leading causes of death for children under five years of age. A vaccine is available to prevent certain forms of pneumonia. In particular, they recommended for people with chronic diseases such as chronic bronchitis, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, informed the brass.
The first signs of pneumonia beta blockers are yellow or greenish sputum cough, sore lungs. In rare cases, it may be your nose and blood in sputum. Pneumonia good response to antibiotic therapy, beta blockers which can only be determined by your doctor. Pašārstējoties pneumonia can not be beat, brass highlights.
From getting to is essential to prevention - strengthening immunity, beta blockers using the full vitamin-rich diet and taking in enough fluids, retaining regular meals, light balance from day through regular activities beta blockers in physics and relaxing in the fresh air, maintaining inner peace and positive emotions as well as the use of natural immunity boosters, such as cranberries and garlic.
In addition, should try as much as possible rarely visit the place where a lot of people staying, such as mass action in a confined space, ventilate the room and to moisturize the air in the interior space, dress appropriate to the weather, as well as thoroughly wash your hands with soap several times a day. The article beta blockers Comments (57)
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