Friday, November 22, 2013

Kristin Basic Pétursdóttir Bernhöft diagnosed with thyroid cancer in October last year. She says th

Kristin Basic Pétursdóttir Bernhöft diagnosed with thyroid cancer in October last year. She says there have been a shock to be diagnosed with cancer. It has also been difficult for her husband and their two children, 10 and 14 years old when she was diagnosed with cancer. "This takes. This is totally like reiðarslag and of course is shocked by her encounter illness. antiphospholipid syndrome It puts all the wheels a little off track. This course takes the whole family and relatives.
The children asked me first, "Mom, are you going to lose your hair? 'I think it is such a common image that people have of it when a person is diagnosed with cancer losing hair. We just talked about this and everyone was aware of what was going on. But of course this was a shock and people were amazed to hear this a lot, maybe also because I want to now mean that I am a woman in the prime of life, "she says humorous. "
Kristin Basic is one of many Icelandic women who have been diagnosed with cancer. In helgarblaði DV she says from illness but is now ongoing campaign ribbon, which is dedicated to the fight against cancer in women.
Hemmi Gunn waive
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