Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Observation. All comments are RESPONSIBILITY their r publications. Vsir encourages readers to a sti

Vsir - 300 years old kennsluaferir
University environment as we know is about three hundred years old. Although professors have a long record of using technology to cast a clear and fix the microphone skyrtuflipana has little else changed. Many subjects have long stagnated and millions of people take loans to complete the studies that benefit the villages them little when you come out on the market. Mark C. Taylor, president of the religion department of Columbia University, gave a lecture here last week, pointing out that universities needed curriculum thoroughly reviewed. Then it would be necessary to shut down the current departmental structure the villages within the university, substantially increase the villages cooperation between educational institutions all over the world with new technology and forget obsolete hugm hands of traditional essays. Would be much closer to master such could yield their final projects in the form of videos, internet sites, computer games and so on. Most graduate the villages students in the university will not find a job where their education benefit. Simply because the education obtained in college, according to Mark Taylor, is primarily useful to those who intend to teach in college. Continuing education of characterized by professors with very narrow fields of science, encourage students to select a narrow range of areas that professors have their own interest. The result is that the students become simply a clone of the highly specialized teachers and this knowledge can be used only within the university and whether it is coming because of limited value. Taylor says that it is necessary to stop hiring permanent professors at the university. In Fréttablaðið yesterday the villages said he viturlegast a "seven-year contract as such can be extended if the cooperation is effective and both parties are satisfied that these seven years." Furthermore, Taylor suggests that the University will prepare its students by the fact that they will not get any work at university in the future. Today we produce namely university teachers, according the villages to Taylor. Arnfríður Gudmundsdottir, Associate Professor of Theology at the University of Iceland, took the words of Taylor Fréttablaðið yesterday and said clearly that we must adapt to new times. "How long do we need to keep the classrooms in the campus? Since up to three hundred people sitting in one button and listen to the teacher read from slides? "She asked. These are all good and valid speculation. Almost twenty thousand Icelanders are in college. We are of course all very happy with the most education, but we must look critically at what we put on the table for these people. Many things we do wrong than to take seriously doubt Mark Taylor. We have nothing to do with outdated university in relation the villages to the small business community. the villages
Observation. All comments are RESPONSIBILITY their r publications. Vsir encourages readers to a stick with mlefnalega discussions. Also understand Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL when commenting.
Miki has tolerable rherrum rkisstjrn Jhnnu Sigurardttur been ori MLA tj on the experience. the villages EAA at least a beautify their share and leirtta image - SNA own use be ... More

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