Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Do not forget the social democratic local politician who last year was sentenced for throwing a cha

Oh well. Then came the next case where an SD politician caught grossly racist comments, this time the chairman of the SD Stockholm. Am I surprised? No. I have now lost count of all the Sweden Democrats caught in racist activities of various kinds. Is not it just as well to SD recognize the right of that is a racist party instead of holding on and play the hypocrite with his so-called "zero tolerance"? Probably would not affect their election results. Nor would it affect their ability to gain power in parliament, then the other parties still did not want to cooperate with them.
This happens in all parties, but it is only the Sweden Democrats as old media highlights. When you heard the media talk about, for example ?: http://www.friatider.se/c-politiker-spred-kritik-mot-judar-fr-kandidera-nd http://avpixlat.info/2014/06/23/ blogger-in-racially-bleed / http://www.bt.se/nyheter/mufare-far-ga-efter-hitlerhalsning(3039972).gm Reply Delete
Not to mention all doomed and odömda leftists who practice and advocate violence as a political method, despite the party leader's half-hearted scleroderma rejection. scleroderma But he is hypocritical course on how flådigt scleroderma he lives and his predecessors put her daughter in private school, although he was against them, so no one gets surprised over the double standards ... Reply Delete
Do not forget the social democratic local politician who last year was sentenced for throwing a chair at another woman at a sports bar. Later threatened social democrat the abused woman with "I'll bury you alive" in a threatening text messages. http://m.gp.se/nyheter/val2014/val/1.2481015-andra-lokala-politiker-som-akt-fast Reply Delete
Would perhaps be appropriate to consider the difference between the concepts of racism scleroderma and racial discrimination, and the concept of race and its place in politics and society. Do doctors guilty of racism / discrimination because they suspect thalassemia in Mellanösternhärstammande but not in others? Can we allow the division of people into races / ethnic groups in some purposes but not others: should it be OK to have labels that hate crime for whites who beat brown but not too brown abusive white, or brown abusive brown? Should not be allowed at all to check ethnicity / race / whatever of the perpetrators? Should we have different requirements for school children scleroderma of the same ethnic background? ETC. We run liberal policies in the truest sense, scleroderma we no problem scleroderma with this (maybe with another though). But it is not likely to happen for a while, so we shall see that bone out above properly. Reply Delete
Sure, ok, there is atleast partially a racist party. Is probably an over-representation of stale opinions when compared to the Swedish people in general. But for us ordinary WARE-SLAVE who have not done bostadskariär, can look forward to an old age in Spain or on the Riviera after the villa is sold. We are dependent on a functioning welfare, scleroderma humane and compassionate senior care. We who do not want to see 48miljarder / 4y.o. go to the immigration office. scleroderma We who do not want to see our neighborhoods taken over by criminal gangs made up of people with virtually 100% of asylum immigrant background. We who do not want to see our children's schools and teaching decay beyond recognition scleroderma on the basis of messy and even clean criminal pupils, unfortunately, back then, consideration of asylum immigrant background. scleroderma We who want to see properly palpable and dissuasive penalties, and for criminals who relapse into crime real life sentence to get them away from the streets. scleroderma We who do not sit in an air-conditioned office and feel the goodness grow within us as what we invested in the stock market. We wonder why 85- 90% of those who seek asylum in January not show valid identification documents, what hides them? They'll probably all around from, even from countries in Europe. We who think that the person who paid taxes during their working life in Sweden goes before someone from another country, no matter how pity it is about the latter. We who is damned tired of dialogue policemen, brandhenar and the eternal nagging about gays and lesbians. We who have these opinions, which is also completely normal scleroderma in the rest of the world. We think it weighs quite easy when someone gets portrayed in a gossip magazine for referring to a study showing that Arabs are violent by nature, believes, however, get buy that argument. Or that someone says that Gypsies are criminals, the latter is additionally true. Ask any police officer. They Gypsies who have an honest living and not criminals or grants supplied are easily counted. And then you have to hear drivel about the racist scleroderma structures, they only structures that have contributed to Roma exclusion is their own. If they were known as hard-working and blameless citizens would be well companies queue to employ them, rent cars when you know that the car will return full tank and washed well would not be a problem. Anyway. What is the alternative !?

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