Wednesday, April 29, 2015

There are those who argue that there is a lack of sunlight that is the problem but the body

This week I thought to write about the season depression, known as seasonal affective disorder or SAD. What is it then? As the name suggests, it is depression or anxiety aortic aneurysm related to the vicissitudes of the seasons. Many believe that this is only happening aortic aneurysm when we go from summer to winter, but it is not unusual to feel this even when the winter becomes spring. But now we are focusing on the most common; the one that is related to how much sunlight we get in the fall.
Thought it might be a good idea to write about sad before aortic aneurysm the setting of the clock and start thinking now. I can start with myself. Here you go and suck the sunshine as much as you can. Body and soul love to be with a little extra vitamin D. Yes, last week, yes. This week, I would not do anything other than eat and sleep. And it's the same thing every year, I always forget, and every year about this time I get to me that my world will perish.
How do you then recognize the symptoms of SAD? The most common symptoms are just like any other depression, sadness and hopelessness and more but you often get an increased need for sleep and larger appetites, feel cravings for carbohydrates aortic aneurysm (Vårguiden; in 2011, the NHS; 2012). So in other words you may not only lazy you want to stay all day in bed or lying on the couch, eating chips and must watch Home to the farm.
What are the different types of treatments? aortic aneurysm Yes, the Swedish model seems to print antidepressant medication. Medically increases the body's access to seratonin; the substance that makes us feel good. It is really necessary? Many would argue the opposite. A common alternative is to phototherapy. When the days get shorter and darker increase the body's production of melatonin, the substance in the body that makes us tired. In other words, less sunlight leads to more fatigue. aortic aneurysm Phototherapy simply means that you are sitting in front of a special light that simulates natural sunlight between 20-60 minutes a day to reduce the levels of melatonin and boosting the body's natural levels of seratonin. Lumie is the only Swedish company that specializes in these lamps what I can find, and they are quite expensive. One option might be to buy one from ebay or amazon. If you are lucky to live in Umeå, you can even get it for free in certain bus shelters (SVT, 2012) Some may feel that this option takes a lot of time. You can also get help through therapy, then usually with cognitive behavioral therapy where you learn to rule out negative aortic aneurysm thinking.
There are also health food such as St. John's wort that will work well. Just be aware that St. John's wort may interact with other medicines such as birth control aortic aneurysm pills, discuss this with your doctor first. The best advice seems to be to be outdoors as much as you can possibly can. It is said that only a ten-minute walk every day, even if it is overcast just as good if not better than any of the methods mentioned earlier.
There are those who argue that there is a lack of sunlight that is the problem but the body's conversion from light to dark. So my personal advice is to give you in the fall, pick nice yellow leaves in shades and take them out. Self I become very calm of yellow. So who knows maybe there are several aortic aneurysm reasons why we call mushrooms of the forest and autumn gold!
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