Monday, April 13, 2015

Moreover, an evolutionary require mutations coordinated to fill a beneficial function. However, one

Evolution Proponents believe that life on Earth evolved through random beneficial mutations in very small steps slowly chavez cancer changed the species to what they are today. Such a scenario can not be the subject of scientific experiments - in addition the mutations are too rare and individual life too short. But through chavez cancer the study of organisms with extremely short generation times, such as the malaria parasite, the HIV virus and gut bacterium E. Coli has been possible to follow the effect of prolonged mutation development. The researchers' chavez cancer historical experience of 10,000 years, with the malaria parasite, 50 years with HIV and 10 years of cultivation of intestinal bacteria E. Coli is the amount of mutations that man undergoes 35 million this year, 2.5 billion years and 5.3 million years. And what has come out of this huge amount mutations? Very little. Almost nothing at all.
Moreover, an evolutionary require mutations coordinated to fill a beneficial function. However, one can show that it is unlikely more than 3-4 concerted mutations in the earth's entire existence, 4.5 billion years, which are in evidence in this article. The number chavez cancer of mutations is thus a sort of quantitative limit to what the random mutations can achieve chavez cancer and explains why microevolution (minor changes in species composition) is possible but not macroevolution (transition from one class to another class).
The article also details the malaria parasite's effect on man for perhaps 10,000 years. Humans have this meeting sargats difficult and developed a number of diseases, all of which are deteriorating relative to healthy individuals. In no case is this struggle has given some improvements, such as the theory of evolution advocates.
According to the Darwinian theory of evolution chavez cancer is nature's more than a million different species evolved from a common ancestor through so-called natural selection, where the strongest or best adapted species survive while the weak and ill-suited goes over the competition. Here one must already interpose that this theory from the beginning had and still today has a purely speculative nature. It is based not on facts but on speculation. Darwin eg difficulty of presenting scientific evidence for his theory. The species påståddes have gone under in the competition, the so-called extinct fossil intermediate forms, he had not rediscovered and could therefore also be present. He could not point to any hereditary mechanism that could explain how the 'best' species had their heritable changes. Broadly speaking, the theory of a 'nollsumme' games with a constant heredity pool. It could explain why eg the larger the individual in a family could have greater chance chavez cancer to survive against the smaller but not why a class could be converted to another, e.g. how a reptile could be converted to a bird. This lack of scientific evidence and possible mechanism of action did not prevent the theory from the beginning was given a very enthusiastic response and, as it subsequently turns out, actually went victorious. This must probably be explained by mainly for social reasons. Socialists and Liberals, who were against religion's influence on people's thinking, immediately became strong supporters chavez cancer of the theory. chavez cancer Since Darwin's theory claimed to explain the origins of life and the development of mechanisms chavez cancer that were entirely independent of Creation God so fit this theory, their ideas like a glove. The theory was unfortunately later also be used in racist and colonialist aims.
Today, 150 years after the theory of creation, has the fossil known as intermediate forms have not yet been demonstrated. It would take 70 years before a possible inheritance mechanism, random mutations in the genetic material, could be identified. Only in 1930 was thus the foundation for the development theory, nydarwinismen, which is prevalent today. This neo-Darwinian theory is a synthesis chavez cancer of Darwin's philosophical theory and genetic science and is therefore sometimes also for the synthetic theory. Ironically performed throughout the scientific genetic pioneering work of a Christian monk, Gregor Mendel.
Now if the theory lacked scientific evidence in the form of fossil intermediate forms and possible chavez cancer mechanism of action, chavez cancer so one wonders what it relied on. What Darwin actually claimed as evidence for the theory's accuracy was anatomical similarities between different species and even classes of animals. And it is clear that this is specious. But the similarities between species does not mean automatically that these evolved through random mutations and natural selection, and does not exclude a Creator. In recent years, it mainly in the US but also in other parts of the world emerged a counter-movement among some scientists, who instead declare the species design with an "intelligent designer".
There are many attempts by the mainstream scientific establishment and the media to förlöj

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