Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Depression is an illness that underlies mood disorders. Mood disorders include unipolar depression

A lot of people I talk to say they are "somewhat depressed about the day." I think many people do not quite know what it means to be depressed. What I think is that they think they are depressed. At the same time I also believe that some think they are just tired all the time, but that really is depressed. Depression has become a national disease - but only in western countries. It's just too easy to get depressed. The risk of an ever developing a treatment emergent depression during their lifetime is estimated statins at approx. 40% for women and about 20% for men. When we are talking about the kind that is temporary.
Depression is an illness that underlies mood disorders. Mood disorders include unipolar depression (in this extensive depression and dystymisk depression), bipolar 1 disorder, bipolar 2 disorder and mania.
Feelings. A main characteristic of depression are a depressed mood out of proportion to any matter - that is, there is not a specific reason why you have called a "depressed mood" - you just have it. A recurring symptom is lack of interest in everything alive t - anhedonia.
You may not feel like doing anything - socializing deadlines not, you can not enjoy a good movie, exercise, sex, hobbies - everything statins loses meaning. There is a change in appetite, sleep patterns and activity level. Some lose their appetite while others statins eat all the time - some sleeping all day, others experience poor sleep (typical here is to wake up in the middle of the night unable statins to sleep again). statins
Behavior. Behavioral and physical being of people with depression "slowed down" statins - a condition statins known as "psychomotor statins inhibition"; the slower, gesturing slower, talking slower and lower, and reacts slower.
You feel a lack of energy and chronic fatigue. statins A minority of depressed experiencing the opposite statins - they feel physically statins excited, can not sit still, constantly moves and plays with some constant.
Criteria for "massive depression": (1) Depressed mood, (2) conspicuously absent interest / pleasure in all activities, (3) significant statins weight loss / change in appetite, statins (4) insomnia statins or hypersomnia (sleeping not / sleeping too much) (5) psychomotor inhibition, (6) fatigue, (7) feelings of worthlessness or guilt, (8) poor concentration, (9) recurrent thoughts of death and suicide. The diagnosis statins of "massive depression" requires that the person experiences a depressed statins mood and lack of interest in usual activities plus at least four other symptoms statins (from the list) - all this chronically for at least 2 weeks. The requirement is alstå two weeks - but the disorder can be recurrent, thus some may find to be strongly depressed much of his life. The symptoms must be severe enough to interfere with the person's ability to function in everyday life. The diagnosis "dystymisk depression" is less serious than the other kind - but more chronic. statins A person with this type of depression must experience depressed mood plus two of the following symptoms: (1) poor appetite statins or overeating, (2) insomnia or hypersomnia, (3) fatigue, (4) low self esteem (5) poor concentration or indecisiveness, (6) feelings statins of hopelessness. This type is a chronic mood disorder that lasts for at least two years. The symptoms are not as severe statins as that of the first kind - but far more chronic. statins It may feel as if you walk around in a fog.
If you are sad, you are not depressed. If you are stressed, statins you are not depressed. Depression is a condition that puts far deeper than usual emotion. It is commonly said, "Ann Cathrin went into a deep depression after she lost her mother" - well, it felt that way to me, and it looked that way to others. I did not sleep, I ate badly, I cried all the time, no events statins tempted and it lasted a long time. What I went through was grief. A completely natural process with many side effects.
One Comment on "Are you depressed? Sure? "
Welcome to my blog about psychology! My name is Ann Cathrin, is 26 years old and psychology student. I'll fill this page with interesting psychology and everyday pleasures. Most Read Posts 12 things statins you need to stop doing to yourself Are you getting enough touch? 10 feel-good thoughts for a bad day Listen to your mind Who is Ann Cathrin? Therefore we hurt each other Categories digressions Psychology Exhale! Word cloud
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