Thursday, July 3, 2014

Stian work in a Used Bookstore. Colleagues experiencing him as a warm and kind person, but he

In this article we will see how Stian gets sick after a disappointment at work. He is a kind and gentle 40 weeks pregnant man in his 40s who suddenly affected by a severe anxiety attack in connection with a reorganization process at work. In the article, we focus on a theory that Stian on somehow emotionally stunted. In the face of conflict and change are not feeling an adequate outlet, and thus affected his strong bodily symptoms of anxiety and being sick. Emotions that are not reflected adequately, is often the psychological tension that culminates in one or another symptom. These may include anxiety, depression, compulsion or a feeling of exhaustion. Being emotionally inhibited in this way, can be related to the dynamic psychology called neurosis. Before we go back to Stian we look briefly at nevrosebegrepet.
"Neurotic" is a term used quite freely by word of mouth. In the literature we find several different varieties of neuroses. We distinguish among different from more transient nevroseformer (symptom neuroses) and neuroses that are more persistent presence in the person's feelings, thoughts and behavior (karakternevrose; lighter personality disorders). Neurosis leads to subjective complaints and symptoms can vary quite a bit. Anxiety, depression and withdrawal is not unusual symptoms. It is also common to feel tired and widespread. One can experience reduced performance ability in business and personal. Neurosis is essentially different from psychosis because "neurotic" unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality. Nevertheless, an activated nevroseproblematikk lead to difficulties in social and familial relationships and restrict the person's way of life.
In modern classification 40 weeks pregnant is nevrosebegrepet left overriding klassifikasjonsbegrep and instead replaced by purely descriptive terms, such as mood disorders without psychosis, phobic and other anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, dissociative disorders, somatoform disorders, eating disorders, nonorganic sleep disorders, sexual dysfunction and certain forms for personality disorders. There is already talk about the many different symptom pictures classified under different categories in the diagnostic manual, 40 weeks pregnant but in dynamic psychology will be assumed many of the diagnostic subgroups 40 weeks pregnant have some "neurotic commonalities". It is difficult to say anything specific about the cause of neuroses, and cause and effect in relation to mental disorders are usually very complex, but theory and research has convincingly argue that childhood, upbringing and environment play a central role in the development of "neurotic traits "but external loads (stress) is usually also an important causal factor and often a precipitating factor in symptom development.
Stian work in a Used Bookstore. Colleagues experiencing him as a warm and kind person, but he's 40 weeks pregnant also a bit reticent and cautious. He has worked at the store for many years, 40 weeks pregnant and the problems start at the store will expand with three new offices in the outskirts of the city. In this process must reorder the staff group, and Stian are bypassed in favor of a younger colleague. Stian reacts with an acute anxiety attacks and being sick. In relation to a psychodynamic understanding of Stian and his situation, one can assume that Stian is inhibited aggression. The situation at work triggered a so-called "anxiety 40 weeks pregnant characterized symptomnevrose". He was angry and offended favoring the younger colleague, but the feelings were not an adequate 40 weeks pregnant expression. Anger was simply far too scary feeling for Stian, and when he comes into therapy, it is about enhancing his ability to tolerate, understand and express their feelings in a straightforward manner in relation to others. 40 weeks pregnant
The transition between "normal" and "neurotic" is a liquid. Everyone has tendencies to neurotic direction, and it strikes often in conjunction with stress or other stresses in life. When internal conflicts or strong emotions activated in a manner that is above the threshold value for what we have the capacity to withstand or administer, our mental back pass in and "displace" feelings which is then converted to a symptom. As we are in balance and functioning well, we have a certain freedom of emotional expression and experience. In the case of neurosis, there is evidence of inhibition of spontaneous experiences and reactions, lack of energy and inability 40 weeks pregnant to work flexibly. Keeping emotions in answer me distance is in a way a mentally energy intensive 40 weeks pregnant process. It robs us of vitality and life energy, and we are usually affected by both fatigue and other unpleasant symptoms. Neurotic (above) controlled emotions are strained escape from the inner world, and thus a kind of self-denying process and serious side effects.
No one is really completely free of neurotic traits. We have all of them, and in a sense it is part of the psychological defense that will ensure

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