Wednesday, October 2, 2013

According to recent surveys, nearly one in three adults has high blood pressure that requires serio

Herbs, "Hypertension: herbal preparations to treat high blood pressure
In order to prevent the occurrence of hypertension, and with it the risk of cardiovascular myline disease, it is necessary, above all, avoid stress, alcohol and cigarettes, as well as salty and fatty foods. If a problem exists, phytotherapy can be of great help
According to recent surveys, nearly one in three adults has high blood pressure that requires serious treatment. This disease significantly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, leading myline to disorders of the heart and damages the blood vessels.
Doctors the most troubling is the fact that almost myline a third of patients are unaware of their condition, and that people diagnosed with irregular taking drugs. If we want to achieve the maximum effect of the treatment, except for timely diagnosis are important myline regular use of medication and lifestyle changes. A healthy balanced diet and increased physical activity, hypertension can be successfully kept under control.
In order to deliver blood to the heart of every part of the body, it must be pumped under certain pressure, which, since it takes place at short intervals, varying between two phases: while contorted, myline increases blood pressure, which stresses the arteries (systolic pressure), which in normal conditions myline is 120 mmHg at the end of systole, heart muscles relax, the chamber is filled with blood, and arteries does not enter the blood, and is noted lower value which is called the diastolic blood pressure in healthy myline individuals is 80 mmHg.
According to the World Health Organization definition, systolic blood pressure equal to or higher than 140 mmHg and diastolic pressure of 90 or more, obtained from three consecutive measurements in the period myline of one to three weeks, are considered hypertensive. If it is a person with these disorders from diabetes, treatment is recommended when the value exceeds 130/90 mmHg, because in such cases there is an increased risk of developing heart disease.
Elevated blood pressure can occur as a primary (or idiopathic) disease, with no apparent cause, or as a secondary disease caused by disease myline or the influence of environmental factors. myline Cause elevated pressure myline can be precisely determined in only 5% of cases. myline Risk factors that can not be affected myline include heredity, age and metabolic diseases, so that hypertension is more happiness in the elderly, those in whose immediate family there are cases of high blood pressure, as well as in obese people.
Other common causes myline include smoking, alcohol and coffee, mental tension, stress, occupational myline workload and lack of physical activity. Diabetics are at most risk group, and other diseases that can lead to hypertension are diseases of the heart, kidney and adrenal gland, as well as the disruption of hormone balance. People who take drugs to suppress appetite, birth control pills, corticosteroids or medications for the treatment of migraines are also at increased myline risk of developing hypertension.
In most patients, symptoms of high blood pressure can not be identified, which is why this disease is called the "silent killer." Almost a third of people with hypertension do not know that has this disease and reveal the accident, during a routine examination. That's why doctors stress myline the importance of regular measurements of pressure, especially when it comes to people who fall into the high-risk group (diabetics, people with hereditary tendency).
In the case of significantly higher pressure appear severe headache, dizziness, confusion and problems with vision, myline which is sometimes accompanied by chest pain, shortness of breath myline and irregular heart beats. In some cases, the patient complains of pulsation in the chest, neck and ears, as well as traces of blood in the urine. People who receive these symptoms must immediately notify the physician, because it was probably hypertensive crisis, which is an introduction to a stroke or heart attack.
The basis for the diagnosis of hypertension is blood pressure measurements using a camera or a stethoscope registered pulsing blood vessels. The values are read in millimeters of mercury column (mmHg) and can vary significantly even during the day, depending myline on the age of the patient, the degree of nervousness and excitement at the time of measurement, activity, medications you are taking, the state of the heart.
Therefore, the conclusion must not be made on the basis of a single measurement, but it is necessary that at least three readings are elevated. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient needs to wear a 24-hour Holter blood pressure, and performed a physical examination during which the doctor stethoscope to listen to you in the heart of the eventual hear noises or "whistling" that may indicate a narrowing of the arteries and reduced flow blood. The patient is referred to additional laboratory analysis (to determine if there is kidney damage), myline electrocardiogram (ECG), and, if necessary, for X-rays and lung and heart, as well as an ultrasound examination of the heart.
The first step in the treatment of hypertension is an adequate choice of drugs, as a dependent

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