Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Internal Emergency of your body is known as the response to inflammation. Without it, even a small

Omega-3 fatty acids and prevention | Studenti.rs
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What arthritis, heart attacks, cancer, asthma and depression have in common? Inflammation! Yes, the same process that happens when you hit the finger-swelling, pain, redness and inflammation is at the root of many of today's health problems. In this chapter we will examine some of the basic inflammation and how what you eat helps or improves this process.
Internal Emergency of your body is known as the response to inflammation. Without it, even a small injury like a cut on her leg could be life-threatening. Arsenal of your body, from the minutest cell to the special chemical mechanisms react in different ways, the formation of blood clots that prevent blood loss or lifting body temperature, in an attempt to destroy bacteria that could get into the wound. This type of inflammation is essential for healing, but other types of chronic low grade inflammation promotes disease. Therefore, blood clots that prevent people bleed can cause a heart attack or stroke.
Your inner physical first aid kit depends on a wide range of tools that includes a powerful class of chemicals called eicosanoids. These potential therapeutic compounds anger management are made up of fat. Eicosanoids made of omega-6 fats promote inflammation. Eicosanoids made of omega-3 fats have the opposite effect; calm has inflammation. It's a complicated contradiction, but in some ways, is no different from opposite tools used for repairing the house. Maybe you will need a wrecking ball to break the rotting wall and then lift to provide wood for the new wall. Or you may need a scraper to spur color and thin, Stranded brush to inflict color delicate corners. Similarly, the process anger management of inflammation used eicosanoids that tighten or release the blood vessels, blood clots break or cause blood clotting, and so on. These seemingly opposing reactions are necessary to maintain your health. However, imagine you while repairing your house got a lot of tools for demolition. In a simplified way, this is a dilemma that takes place in our bodies. Today, through an inflammatory reaction of the food we eat, we have a surplus of tools that are destructive oriented towards our body. If you eat too much omega-6 fat body produces too many proinflammatory tools. This problem increases when you do not eat enough to counterbalance / equalizing omega-3 fats. The ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fats consumed will determine the type of fat that is found in cells, which in turn determines the type generated eicosanoids anger management and finally your inflammatory status. Nearly 15 years old, one researcher found that the typical American diet raises biological phase to almost maximum inflammation from chronic binge eating omega-6 fats and not enough omega-3 fats (see figure 4.1). Today's inflammatory reaction of excess of omega-6 eicosanoids are the root of many diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, cancer and Alzheimer 's disease. anger management People take a record number anti-inflammatory drugs that block the problems caused by overeating omega-6 fats.
When you have a headache that you reach for aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve)? These medicines obtained without a prescription are known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-NSAIDs). They work by blocking the effects of omega-6 fat arachidonic acid, which formed eicosanoids that produce pain, fever, swelling and cramps. Sometimes, anger management these drugs are not enough anger management to combat inflammation and allows your doctor can prescribe something stronger, such as Celebrex, which also works by blocking the omega-6 fats to produce eicosanoids. Omega-3 fats work in a similar way and can even surpass anger management that some drugs without their side effects. anger management
Anti-inflammatory drugs work by blocking an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX). When these enzymes are blocked, arachidonic acid (the most powerful omega-6 fatty acid) can not create their inflammatory compounds. Arachidonic acid as an unlighted match. COX enzymes "fallen" arachidonic acid, which then creates compounds that promote inflammation and blood clotting. Protivuaplni drugs behave like water, prevent the arachidonic acid "burn". Aspirin and other COX inhibitors work by blocking an excess of omega-6 fats to create powerful eicosanoids. Ironically, if you take Motrin for a headache and then you eat foods rich in omega-6 fats (such as margarine made from corn oil) can aggravate inflammation. It's like throwing shredded paper into the fire by firefighters trying to extinguish. Omega-6 fats are the fuel for the COX enzymes. More fuel leads to more inflammation.
For decades people moms claims that aspirin wonder drug, but chronic use causes problems. Ko

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