Friday, October 4, 2013

We heard what the Mediterranean bursitis diet means for health and longevity, but in the hills of S

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Noise from the stomach? Attacks yawning, sneezing bursitis or hiccups? It is not pleasant either, when they are at home, but it's worse when you hits me in public places. Here are some trusted ways to quickly solve "nezgodaciju"
We heard what the Mediterranean bursitis diet means for health and longevity, but in the hills of Sicily there are more centenarians than in any other part of the Mediterranean. Credited delicious foods where safe and you enjoy!
First Pistachios alleviate discomfort! Nerves are on the edge? Snack on pistachios! They are full of soothing magnesium and vitamin B complex bursitis in the brain that increase the level of beneficial amino acid GABA. Contain fatty acids that off craving for food: stimulate the production of cholecystokinin, bursitis a hormone that suppresses bursitis appetite.
2nd Figs protect against breast cancer! Research on a sample of 50,000 women showed that the risk is reduced by 34 per cent. Fresh or dried, this summer bursitis fruit has a record number of fibers and fiber just eliminate carcinogens from the body. There are also ingredients that are decreasing the pressure, cholesterol and sugar. A dried figs contain more antioxidants than any other type of dried fruit!
3rd Red oranges are powerful! They look like any other, but contain twice as much vitamin C: 130 percent of the daily requirement! Their red pigments reduce inflammation and food immune system and ceđeni juice is so common that one glass with breakfast based on eggs and bacon nullifies the effect of such a meal on the walls of blood vessels (referring to the plaque that narrows it considerably).
4th Lešnica keep the heart! Contain arginine, which dilates bursitis blood vessels, bursitis and incomparably more folic acid than other fruits. This important vitamin, just like his "brothers" from the same group B, which reduces the level of homocysteine excess increases the risk of blood clots. A handful a day lowers cholesterol by 10, and the risk of heart attack by 50 percent!
5th Olive oil for pain! Has long been hailed as the guardian of the heart, a new study shows that extra virginal olive oil directly affects the enzyme COX-2 is responsible for inflammation and pain. Credited oleocanthal, an ingredient which relieves symptoms caused by arthritis (pain, swelling, morning stiffness). Regular use has the same effect as a low-dose aspirin or Brufen.
6th Tomato stronger bones! Lycopene protects not only the heart but keeps the bones! When postmenopausal women a month are not eating tomatoes and other foods rich in lycopene, their bone tissue has begun to deteriorate. And the ones that are at least 4 times a week, enjoyed the "king bursitis of summer bursitis tables" were incomparably less bone fractures.
7th Capra dispels toxins! Add red meat only a few of these buds pickled size of a pea and are neutralized all the toxins from food formed during digestion! Capra provide and quercetin, anti-inflammatory agent that reduces the risk of heart disease and Alzheimer 's. 4 easy ways to ... stop the unpleasant signals
Loading, sneezing, yawn, hiccup - all these are messages sent by your body. The company will not pretend to not notice them, but when you keep yourself carefully read and apply the blitz tricks for - salvation. bursitis
First Silence bursitis noisy intestines! Thunder in the stomach is a sign that you're hungry - or that you are stuffed! As the silence? Trick 1: press your ear! - If the wiles of hunger and lunch is by far, the thumb and forefinger press one minute tactile triangular cartilage (tragus) that covers the ear canal. In acupressure is called "point of hunger" because temporarily stops collecting stomach muscles. Trick 2: drink pineapple juice! If the stomach "appears" because vari big meal, the juice helps him to calm down. Pineapple contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme that accelerates the decomposition of food and reduces trapped air.
2nd Stop that zevate! Zevate not just when you're tired, but when someone else does it, or just think of the yawn! What to do when you feel it "coming," and you do not want anyone to think that you are bored? Trick 1: crush your hand! Find the fleshy part between the little and ring finger knuckle and finger press. The acupressure point is it that drives the energy hormones such as adrenaline and immediately you wake up! Trick 2: drink some H2O! As soon as you feel it captures yawn, look for a glass of cold water. Yawning is often a sign of dehydration, and the water will "pour" and improve their bloodstream to the brain, and you will quickly liven up!
3rd Stop hiccups! Ceases to hiccups, and you have an important meeting or job interview? Trick 1: put sugar! When SASP bag to root languages cells stimulate nerve endings in the throat relax the diaphragm and the hiccups stop. Trick 2: stick out your tongue! Throw it as far as you can and at the same time take a deep breath. Vocal cords are spread and - the problem is solved.
4th Prevent bursitis the attack sneezing! Sneezing is a good thing: relieves nasal irritant particles that make

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