Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Seborrheic dermatitis occurs in the so-called seborrheic areas, that is to say rich in sebum. Howeve

Definition of seborrheic dermatitis Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin disease involving cochlear implant inflammation with peeling dead skin greasy rags. Seborrheic dermatitis is a benign condition, unsightly, affecting the scalp and face adult or infant. The term comes from the word seborrheic "sebum" cochlear implant which means the skin produced by fat. The psychological impact cochlear implant of seborrheic dermatitis can be significant with a negative impact on the quality of life of patients. Risks and consequences cochlear implant of seborrheic dermatitis Seborrheic dermatitis (Chosidow O et al Seborrheic Dermatitis Ann Dermatol 2002 129.. S191-S193) is a chronic skin disease quite common: 1-3% of the population would be achieved. It changes according cochlear implant to age and rarely occurs before puberty, and peak frequency of seborrheic dermatitis is between 18 and 40 years and it is now almost as men. It decreases after age 40. Seborrheic dermatitis is a benign disease, only the psychological impact can have adverse consequences. Causes and origins of seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis occurs in the so-called seborrheic areas, that is to say rich in sebum. However, oil is likely to play a facilitating role in the proliferation of skin fungus: Malassezia furfur. Indeed, Malassezia furfur cochlear implant is present in high density in areas affected by seborrheic dermatitis. There are also other factors involved in the onset of this disease: Climate, neurological, psychological, medical ... Signs and symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis There are two forms of seborrheic dermatitis: Seborrheic dermatitis in adults It mainly affects the face and scalp in the form of red patches covered with scales of greasy skin. The most affected areas are those rich in sebum, namely nostrils and furrows eyebrows, hairline ... The scalp is infected with at least one and sometimes dandruff symptoms of itching, burning ... The torso is sometimes the seat of lesions in the form of circular plates in the neck and trunk; Dermatitis of the newborn and infant Dermatitis begins after the second week of life in symptoms of yellow crusts scalp (cradle cap) and face. Seborrheic dermatitis Prevention With what should we be confused seborrheic dermatitis? Several skin diseases resemble seborrheic dermatitis . Psoriasis can achieve the same regions and the two diseases are sometimes indistinguishable. Atopic dermatitis or eczema is also very close, especially in infants. Finally, some general diseases or system such as systemic lupus erythematosus may also occur by the same type of skin lesions. Will it possible prevention? cochlear implant Stress, fatigue, overwork or psychological problems promote outbreaks., It is useful to fight against these factors and psychological support may be needed. Similarly, the sun and the holidays have a positive effect. In addition, some underlying diseases are responsible for the symptoms and require specific treatment: chronic cochlear implant alcoholism, extrapyramidal syndromes neuroleptic treatment ... Seborrheic dermatitis Prepare consultation cochlear implant When consulted? It is important to quickly check for the disfigurement does not cause psychological impact cochlear implant in personal and professional cochlear implant life is a vicious circle can then be put in place:. Lesions generate stress which in turn aggravates the injury. The dermatologist is the expert cochlear implant on these diseases cochlear implant of the skin and scalp. What is the doctor in case of dermatitis seborrheic? The diagnosis is based on clinical examination: no biopsy or other biological test sample is generally required. In case of doubt about the diagnosis or association with a disease, blood tests may be proposed. The treatments aim several targets: reduce skin colonization by the fungus, fight against inflammation and clean the residual oil. Local treatment in the form of shampoo or foaming gel is sufficient in mild forms. Corticosteroids are sometimes necessary in the most inflammatory forms. How to prepare for my next visit? It is important to identify factors that trigger or otherwise reduce flare-ups. In addition, the first applications of treatments are often followed by a reaction cochlear implant with itching and irritation accentuation of symptoms the doctor may advise to space taken. It should anyway expect a recurrence of symptoms req Alerts : If you want to know more fresh update helpful articles enter your email address below and be notified by mail.
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