Wednesday, October 9, 2013

HOME MEDICINE A Aspirin - Aspirin, Acetisal, Anbol, Andol, Alka - Selcer Acyclovir Adrenalin Active

HOME MEDICINE A Aspirin - Aspirin, Acetisal, Anbol, Andol, Alka - Selcer Acyclovir Adrenalin Active Matter kojesmanjuju blood viscosity alpha1-adrenergic bloat Alprazolam Aluminium hydroxide Amiloride Amitriptyline Amlodipine Amoxicillin Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid Analgesics Anesthetics Anxiolytics Antibiotics infacol Antidepressants antiasthmatics Antidiabetics Antidijaroici antiemetics infacol Antihypertensives Antihistamines Anticoagulants and Antiaggregation anticonvulsant drugs Antimigrenici Antifungals Antiparkinsonian itch Antiseptics Antispazmotici - spasmolitycs against cramps infacol Antitussives Antiulcer drugs Antivirals astemizole atenolol B beclomethasone Benzodiazepines Beta adrenergic blockers, calcium channel blockers Bromazepam Bronchodilators bumetanide C Cytostatics Cortaid Cortizone D Diazepam Digoxin Diltiazem Diclofenac Diunom Diuretics Doxycycline E Enalapril Ephedrine F famotidine Flonidan fluoxetine, Flunirin, Fluval Furosemide G Glaumol Gnadion Gyno - Daktarin H hydrochlorothiazide Hydrocortisone infacol Hlotrimazol And Ibuprofen Indapamide Insulin K Ketoconazole Clonazepam Corticosteroids L Lanikor Lasix Drugs for leaving smoking Loratadine Lupocet M Marivarin Medazepam Metoprolol Miconazole Moduretic N Naproxen Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Nicorette patch - nikorete , Nicotine O oxazepam omeprazole Oxycodone, opiate analgesics Ormidol Oronazil P Paracetamol Prilenap Propranolol R Ranitidine, Ranisan, infacol Reptoran, Ranital, Ransana Rapten K Rivotril S Salbutamol Stilnox Sucralfate Sumatriptan T Tamoxifen Tetracyclines Timolol Tolnaftat Triamcinolone Triamterene Triazolam In Ulcodin, Ulran V vaginal antifungals Warfarin Verapamil Vesanoid Virocul, Virolex Voltaren Z Zolpidem medicinal herbs natural medicine Acon Agastahe Aloe American Ginseng Anemarena Angelika Digitalis Hawthorn Ginkgo biloba Echinacea Ephedra Melaleuka Nana Neven Troskot Saffron aromatic Uva - Medvedje grapes infacol VITAMINS Vitamin B12-Cobalamin Vitamin E Vitamin D Vitamin K DISEASE infacol Angina pectoris Asthma fungal Infections - Candidiasis Gonorrhea and Healing Hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids Herpes genital Hypertension - High Blood Pressure Impetigo sciatica infacol corns and calluses Menopause Osteoporosis Psoriasis Prostate infacol - prostate disease Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rheumatism appendix - Appendicitis - Appendicitis itching in the groin AIDS - Aids MINERALS Copper Zinc Iron chloride was Iodine Potassium Calcium Magnesium Sodium Cobalt infacol Selenium RSS / Feed
Prescription: dipyridamole, heparin, warfarin, No prescription: aspirin anticoagulants and Antiaggregation drugs reduce blood clotting ability. Mainly applied as a secondary infacol form of prevention in which blood clots can cause serious problems. Although sometimes called a "parting of blood", these drugs do not actually diluted blood or degrade existing clots. They stop the further growth of clots and prevent new clots in blood vessels. Antiaggregation infacol drugs (aspirin, dipyridamole) and anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin) may be taken individually or in combination. These drugs and doses must be carefully matched to each patient. DISEASES These drugs are prescribed as prophylaxis to reduce the risk of: - blood clots in the veins (phlebitis) - blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary thromboembolism) - heart attack, stroke and atrial fibrillation - complications of blood clotting during or after surgical procedure adverse effects TREASURE - see paragraphs certain preparations HEAVY - The most dangerous effect of these drugs, whether taken alone or in combination, are too bleeding infacol (caused by too strong anticoagulation or overdosing) and internal bleeding. Should immediately inform the doctor if you experience the following signs. -So too strong anticoagulation are: bruising or purple skin lesions of unknown cause, bleeding gums, bleeding heavily from cuts or wounds, bleeding heavily from the nose or very menstrual bleeding. -Signs of internal bleeding are: back pain, swelling or abdominal pain, blood in the urine, tarry or bloody stools, constipation, coughing or vomiting blood, numbness, pain, or swelling of the joints. SPECIAL INFORMATION Pregnant and lactating women before taking heparin should seek advice from the doctor. During pregnancy and lactation is not embarrassed to take aspirin. Warfarin can cause birth defects. Dipyridamole is used only in the prevention of thrombosis after implantation of a heart valve or coronary bypass installation. These drugs must be taken on the recommendation of doctors. Do not take this medicine infacol if you are allergic response is pre-recorded. Do not take this medicine if you have not informed the doctor about a heart attack, uncontrolled high blood pressure, ulcers or stroke. Tell a doctor if there is or there is low blood pressure, impaired kidney or liver disease or a bleeding disorder, chest pain, allergies, and

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