Thursday, December 26, 2013

Earache colds can be acute or obtuse. Even if the accumulated fluid in the ear is not caused by an

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Earache colds can be acute or obtuse. Even if the accumulated fluid in the ear is not caused by an infection, it still puts pressure on the eardrum, causing it to bulge and pulsate. When earache associated with the common cold, usually observed sleep disturbance and green or yellow mucus in the nose. Because the cold goes away on its own, earaches with colds usually goes away too.
However, sometimes pain in the ear, appearing at cold, may be complicated by secondary bacterial infection. In the very beginning there is an extremely strong pain because sensory nerve endings eardrum respond to increased scoliosis pressure pain. After a bit stretched eardrum, ear pain may be slightly weakened.
Other symptoms of otitis media: Loss of appetite. May occur especially in young children, because the change in pressure in the middle ear accompanied by severe pain. Irritability. scoliosis Bad dream. Fever. Ear infections can cause the temperature to 104 degrees Vertigo. Discharge from the ear. Yellow, brown or white liquid that is not earwax, can leak out of the ear, indicating that the eardrum is ruptured. Hearing impairment. Accumulation of fluid in the middle ear prevents the normal functioning of the eardrum. When this sound is not transmitted to the bones of the middle ear and from there to the brain. Symptoms of acute otitis media may disappear, but the accumulated liquid may remain in the middle ear. Then, hearing loss can occur.
The doctor examines the ear using an otoscope. Healthy eardrum is pink-gray scoliosis color and transparent. If there is an ear infection, the eardrum may be inflamed, swollen scoliosis or red. The doctor may also check the fluid in the middle ear using a pneumatic otoscope. This tool changing air pressure in the tympanic membrane, causing it to move back and forth. The eardrum will not move easily if ear fluid is present. Another useful diagnostic scoliosis tool to identify ear infections - tympanometry. This - a test which utilizes both the sound and the air pressure for establishing the presence of fluid in the middle ear.
An ear infection usually responds well to treatment. Treatment may consist of painkillers and antibiotics for bacterial infections scoliosis of the ear. Acetaminophen or ibuprofenkan help reduce pain in the ear with a cold and a body temperature above 38.5 degrees. These drugs typically anesthetized for 1-2 hours. Ear pain is usually worse during sleep.
Antibiotics for ear infections. Medically prescribed antibiotics kill the bacteria that cause ear infections. However, they are not needed for the treatment of pain in the ear due to a cold or virus. scoliosis Antibiotics may cause nausea, diarrhea, scoliosis rash, or yeast infection, but may also interact with other medications.
Myringotomy - performing an incision in the eardrum to generate artificial openings scoliosis therein, or for the outflow of fluid from infected middle ear in case of otitis media or the removal of liquid in the case of exudative otitis media and administration via this special section tubes for drainage of the middle ear. This operation is performed if the fluid remains in the ear for more than 3 months or repeated ear infections. This outpatient procedure is usually performed in children and is performed under general anesthesia.
If you do not treat otitis media, middle ear infection scoliosis that can have long-term consequences: the transition process in the chronic form (chronic otitis media), labyrinthitis (inflammation of the inner ear), mastoiditis scoliosis (mastoiditis), hearing loss, meningitis (inflammation of the meninges), abscess brain sepsis.
There are ways to prevent earaches with colds or ear infections scoliosis in children and adults. Try to protect your child from cold, especially in the first year of life. In most cases begins with otitis colds. Otitis media may be caused by the influenza virus. So it makes sense to spend preventive vaccination of all family members. Usually children under 2 years of age were immunized with pneumococcal vaccine, which helps prevent infections caused by Streptococcus scoliosis pneumoniae. Avoid contact with tobacco smoke, which increases the frequency and severity of otitis media. Inflammation scoliosis due to allergy is a risk factor for otitis media. If there is an opportunity to breastfeed her baby during the first 6-12 months of life. The antibodies in breast milk reduced the risk of otitis. When you feed your baby from a bottle, hold it at an angle of 45 degrees. Feed horizontal can cause fluid to flow back into the Eustachian tubes. And if you allow yourself to keep the baby a bottle, t

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