Tuesday, December 24, 2013

If you or a member of your family originated earache, but can not visit the doctor, you can try to

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Earache probably experienced everything. Someone familiar with this problem since childhood, someone felt only half a tingling, and someone suffers constant pain in the ears. Earache can be sharp, dull, burning, aching, it can only be in one ear or both ears affect immediately. Earache can be both short and constant.
As is well known ear (hearing organ) - a complex system, which consists of the outer, middle and inner ear. Therefore earache may prompt us about any problems that have arisen hypnobirthing in one of its parts. Pain may be due to infection or mechanical hypnobirthing damage to the ear, but may have a reflex character and in direct relationship to the ear does not have. So earache - it is not always an ear problem.
Cause pain in the ear can be an accumulation of liquid in the Eustachian tube (auditory tube), which extends from the middle portion of each ear to the back wall of the pharynx. This tube is intended for balancing the difference of atmospheric pressure from the outside and in the middle ear cavity. If the auditory tube is sealed, it can accumulate in the liquid, and this leads to an increase in pressure at the eardrum and ear infections to develop.
If children ear pain often associated with an ear infection in adults it is not always so. What many people think, as the pain in the ears, can actually be a pain reflex, which originated elsewhere, such as in the temporomandibular joint in his mouth, throat, and even pain in the neck may seem pain ear.
Cause of pain in the ears may be: Arthritis jaw Acute ear infection Chronic ear infection ear injury from pressure changes hypnobirthing (high altitude and other reasons), foreign objects in the ear or excessive accumulation of earwax Rupture or perforation of the eardrum Sinus infection Sore throat hypnobirthing with pain reflected Tinnitus syndrome temporomandibular joint (TMJ), tooth infection
If you or a member of your family originated earache, but can not visit the doctor, you can try to relieve the pain in the following ways: Apply 20 minutes cold pack or cold wet cloth on the outer ear, as it can reduce the pain. Chew gum, since it can help relieve hypnobirthing pain and ear infection at reduce pressure. If the ear hurts a child, then this method can only be used if the baby is big enough to be able to chew gum. Adopting a vertical position, you can reduce the pressure in the middle ear and ear ache if a baby, take it to your hands, so that he was in an upright position. OTC ear drops are quite efficient and help to reduce pain in the ear if the eardrum is not broken. OTC pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, hypnobirthing can relieve pain in the ear in both children and adults. (Do not give aspirin to children). If ear pain originated in the plane at a height, it can be alleviated by performing hypnobirthing swallowing or chewing gum. Allow babies worth sucking a bottle or breast hypnobirthing overtime even as swallowing will help reduce the pain.
There are new symptoms: Dizziness Severe headache Swelling around the ear weakness of facial muscles Severe pain suddenly stopped - it may be a sign of rupture of the eardrum symptoms (pain, hypnobirthing fever, or irritability) are amplified hypnobirthing or relief has not occurred within 24-48 hours
The physician should perform a thorough inspection and examine your ears, nose and throat. Be aware that the appearance of pain when touched lightly to the mastoid process of the skull behind the ear and / or redness in the area are often a sign of a serious infection.
The following steps can help prevent earaches: Avoid hypothermia and getting water and soap in the ears during bathing When cleaning, do not shove deep into the ear earplugs and do not try to remove yourself in the formation of sulfur cerumen Avoid injuries in the ear during sports or games specific works, wear protective helmets Avoid smoking near children. Smoking is known to cause ear infections in children.
+ Anastasia Mikhalchanka prepared [by the way, if the information on this page you like - click feysbuchny like Google or one below - we like this form of approval of what we do for you ;)]
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