Sunday, December 1, 2013

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Chow chow. Pipe from 11 or 12 years, some 10 years approximately. (Story on how I understood, as adults, the changes cimicifuga in the thinking being released)'s real samīzos and really now give up cigarettes was when the show began nonstop annoying pain in the left arm and left side of the chest and the surrounding area. Nepīpēju for the third week. From the beginning of the pain in the chest, but was transferred, I think I have saved, but the third week and the pain returns. For the third day, all day long every time a sense of pain. I understand that there is some kind of internal unrest due to the fact that I have taken away the body to things to which he is accustomed for many years, but have not PROFINE this case. What about the pain? From which they are incurred? This is stresiņš or is it something else? And how to find peace ... zakaļibala already, in a positive mood, because eventually life I started cimicifuga to do what you really want, but the pain in the morning just to mental sačakarē. Joy is as difficult to reach a high shelf product ...
I jautajumien nevareshu to search for answers as esu on tobacco. For a long time Pipe esu tried to throw but with the idea if vareshu nometishu if not nemocishu myself then ljoti many PIPE Day 40 cigarettes maybe more without being counted as of life but know that it is depending kaitkas insane and incomprehensible pipeshana is more that (habit)
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