Friday, December 27, 2013

SITE SECTIONS Anatomy Antibiotics Barotrauma Eardrum inner ear Meniere

Allergic diseases of the ear |
Allergic diseases of the ear are often combined with allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. Typical is the relapsing course from 2-3 to 8-10 times per year. More typical is the sudden onset when no fever and earache appears excessive binge eating mucous or serous discharge in the ear canal and around the ear irritation occurs.
Later associated infection, discharge becomes mucopurulent. Diagnosis is based on allergic history, the presence of concomitant allergic diseases desenzibiliziruyuschego positive results of treatment. At otoscopy eardrum sharply edematous, hyperemic with a bluish tint, central perforation, or slit-like point. Often in its place is determined pulsating reflex.
In the treatment should exclude the use of antibiotics and other medications increase sensitization, food. Required readjustment of the upper respiratory tract. Locally - careful toilet ear introduction into the middle ear pressure hydrocortisone. Physiotherapy. Like this, share it!
SITE SECTIONS Anatomy Antibiotics Barotrauma Eardrum inner ear Meniere's outer ear Otitis and types otomycosis Otoplasty Otosclerosis Piercing Cold Sepsis otogenny middle ear Sinusitis Tinnitus Articles tubo-otitis Injury Hearing binge eating Ear drops Boil
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