Wednesday, December 25, 2013

razoromon Definition recording respiratory rate in the first year of the child

Actions nurses in mumps infection (lecture)
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razoromon Definition recording respiratory rate in the first year of the child's life Dos to record symptoms and treatment of abscesses Alex to record a trial recording to Norka Collargol Trial with Tanya Collargol to record differences of benign and malignant tumors Natali recording very simple recipe for a delicious Easter cake brooplemoilia to record A simple recipe for a tasty Easter cake Andrew to record mood disorders Patient Preparation for sigmoidoscopy Masha recording Care Pregnant Women in the postoperative period to record Lisa Bazan syndrome
In the process may be involved and other glands (submandibular - submaksillit, pancreas - pancreatitis, testicles in boys - orchitis), as well as the central nervous system with the development of serous meningitis and mumps encephalitis.
Source of the disease - the patient mumps infection, especially contagious in the first 3-5 days of illness. Most susceptible to infection children from 4 to 10-12 years, mood disorders although they may be ill adults and adolescents. Children first year of life suffer much less. Infectiousness index of not more than 50%. The main route of transmission - airborne.
CLASSIFICATION SCHEME-mumps Mumps infection glandular form: only defeat of the glandular apparatus Nervous form: development of mumps meningitis and encephalitis Combined form: + mumps meningitis, mumps encephalitis +; submaksillit + + mumps meningitis, etc.
Children mood disorders 4 years old, kindergartener, mood disorders acutely ill: at lunch time the teacher noticed that the child refuses to eat, complaining that it hurt to chew, crying. The teacher feels has determined that the child has a fever, put baby to bed and allow the nurse. On examination, the child nurse: t - 38,5 C, sluggish; complains of pain upon expansion of the mouth, headache, pain in the ear.
The nurse left the child under the supervision of educator, phone called the child's mother from work, helped to carry the baby, the baby brought to the local doctor. Recommended that the mother put the child to bed, drink warm tea, juices, and in the case of fever over 39,5 C to give the child paracetamol or enter spazdolzina candle and wait for the doctor.
After 3 hours, the child was examined by a local doctor, who carefully examined the child, found swelling behind the ear on the left. Warned the mother that the child has a contagious disease - mumps, about the need to isolate the child's home, prescribe treatment (antipyretics, dry heat on the area of cancer and hot compress).
On the 2nd day of the disease markedly mood disorders increased swelling on the left and is located in front of the ear, under the earlobe and behind mood disorders the ear. On the third day there was swelling on the right and in the evening the third day of the appearance of the child's face was noticeably distorted.
All these days the baby temperature to 38,5 C-39 C, restless sleep, ate poorly, there was vomiting (single). If you accidentally pressed on the swelling during mood disorders application compresses complained of pain. On the 5th day of the state began to improve in the second day of the normalized t body. Swelling began to decrease rapidly, and the eighth day of the child had a normal appearance.
Problems specific to this case: - fever - headache - pain when chewing (Uncovering the mouth) - swelling appearance

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