Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Usually children with allergies or frequent colds are more prone to ear infections. When a child ha

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Middle ear infection - a very common problem among children. She could face even babies who are under two years old. An ear infection is caused by germs and viruses. They enter the body and cause infection, helicobacter which affects the normal functioning of the body. Likewise, they can get in the ears, while the infection is called helicobacter depending on the localization. The human ear can be divided into inner, middle and outer part. When infecting microbes outer ear condition called "swimmer's ear." Infecting situation is called the middle portion helicobacter of the middle helicobacter ear inflammation. At the same microbes infect the middle helicobacter part and fill it with pus or yellow sticky liquid. The middle part of the ear has the shape of the air pocket, which is situated behind the eardrum. When this area is filled with pus, there is a feeling in the ear of a balloon that's helicobacter about to burst. This is a very painful feeling.
The middle helicobacter ear is connected to the neck through the channel, called the Eustachian tube, i.e. the average of both ears to the throat are connected via these pipes. Their task is to ensure the free movement helicobacter of air in the middle ear in both directions. helicobacter Children under three years of the Eustachian tubes are smaller and underdeveloped, so they have less ability to remove bacteria from the middle ear. When the child grows, helicobacter the Eustachian tubes begin to more effectively remove germs, but he can still encounter some problems.
Usually children with allergies or frequent colds are more prone to ear infections. When a child has a cold in the Eustachian tube obstacles arise, allowing microbes to enter the middle ear. Microbes trapped inside, multiply rapidly, helicobacter causing an infection helicobacter of the middle ear.
The child develops helicobacter a fever, ear pain begins. Some even hearing deteriorates due to blockage of the ear canal. Middle helicobacter ear infections themselves are not contagious, but cold, "caught" from others, may eventually lead to an ear infection. The earlier a child is shown a doctor, the better helicobacter for him and other family members. Doctor will examine the ear using an otoscope - a special flashlight allows you to see the eardrum. The eardrum is a thin membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle. With the otoscope can also blow air ear and determine whether normally moves and operates the eardrum. The resulting infection pus will put pressure helicobacter on membrane, and may even make it convex. In addition, due to the infection eardrum may be red.
Doctor will prescribe painkillers, which have to be taken within two days. If the infection is caused by bacteria, antibiotics will be assigned to deal with it for a few days. If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, it is necessary to complete a full course of treatment, otherwise there will be the likelihood of reinfection. Some children, ear infections frequently ill have to undergo other tests: helicobacter tympanogram and audiogram.
To avoid ear infections, children need to take some precautions. They should wash their hands regularly, and keep away from colds people. If you had contact with an infected person, you need to wash your hands as little helicobacter as possible touching your eyes and nose. Smoking parents should not smoke around your baby, because tobacco smoke can be the culprit disruptions of the eustachian tube.
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