Tuesday, December 3, 2013

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No. Identifier udima p. Origins Etioloģij 3 3 4 Epidemiology Pathogenesis 4 for macroscopic description 6 Microscopic description Complications udima 7/8 outputs Laboratory diagnosis of functional symptoms Explanations 9 10 11 Basic Principles of therapy
It may also be effected bronchoscopy, the bronchoscope is passed udima through the nose or mouth into the trachea and lungs further, this may be the accessory, which can take tissue samples during bronchoscopy, which are then checked microscopically. The investigation may also be used for thoracoscopy, which is a surgical procedure carried out by a cut between the ribs and inserting torakoskopu chest. udima Torakoskopam may also have accessories that can pick up lung tissue or lymph node samples, which is then examined microscopically. In addition the thoracentesis, liquid removal by the needle between the lungs and the chest tissues examined microscopically in or not in cancer cells. It is used for light and electron microscopy, the cell changes udima are investigated. Also performs Immunohistochemistry tests when searching for certain antigens, the most common method used for certain types of cancer. (10). Liver can also take tests, and positron emission tomography. (11). Explanations of symptoms The most common symptoms are chest pain, hoarseness, hemoptysis, dysphagia, and facial swelling. These symptoms are due to invasion of the primary tumor and adjacent structures compression. Compression of the esophagus causes dysphagia, pressure on the nerves causing hoarseness laringiālajiem; vena cava compression caused by facial swelling. Chest pain caused by the tumor mass pressure on the surrounding tissues, including the nerves and nerve terminals, hemoptysis caused by the tumor mass pressure on the surrounding lung tissue, leading to frequent these tissues are compressed, including the small blood vessels. The patient may also have neurological changes, as well as personality change due to the brain metastases (tumor mass forces of the areas of the brain responsible for the nature of the memory, speech, etc.). Small cell lung cancer is often caused by neoplastic syndromes: inappropriate antidiuretic hormone udima secretion, Cushing's syndrome due to adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration and the Lambert-Eaton (Eaton-Lambert) myasthenic syndrome. (24). ...
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