Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Otoscopy - inspection of the tympanic membrane is of great importance in the diagnosis of diseases

doctor otolaryngologist myom Bogdanets SA :: Uncategorized :: Clinical anatomy of the ear
Auricle is formed by three fabrics: thin plate of hyaline cartilage, covered on both sides perichondrium having complex convex-concave shape, the topography of the ear, the skin is very thin, closely adjacent to the perichondrium and having almost no fat, subcutaneous fat, located in significant numbers in the lower part of the ear.
Usually there are the following elements of the ear: curl - free upper outer edge of the sink; anthelion - elevation that runs parallel to curl; tragus - a protruding myom portion of the cartilage myom at the front of the external auditory canal and being part of it; antitragus - protrusion located posterior to the tragus and separating their scraps; lobe, or drop, ear, devoid of cartilage and adipose tissue consisting of coated leather. Pinna is attached to the temporal bone rudimentary muscles. Anatomical structure of the ear determines the features of pathological processes, developing trauma to form otogematomy and perihondrita. Sometimes there is a congenital hypoplasia of the ear - microtia or complete lack thereof anotia.
External auditory canal is a channel that begins myom with a funnel shaped depression on the surface of the ear and sent to an adult horizontally from front to back and top to bottom to the border of the middle ear. There are the following departments of external auditory canal: an outer membranous and cartilaginous and internal - bone. Outer membranous-cartilaginous part takes 2/3 length. In this department of cartilaginous tissue formed and lower front wall and the back and top have fibro-connective tissue. The front wall of the external auditory canal bordered by the joint of the lower jaw, and therefore the inflammatory process in this area accompanied by a sharp soreness during chewing. The upper wall separates the outer ear from the middle fossa, in fractures of the skull base of the ear follows liquor mixed with blood. Cartilage plate external auditory meatus myom interrupted by two transverse slots, which are closed by fibrous tissue. Their location near the salivary gland may contribute to the spread of infection from the outer ear to the salivary gland and the mandibular joint. Leather cartilaginous part contains a large amount of hair follicles, sebaceous myom glands and sulfur. The latter are modified sebaceous glands secreting a special secret that with a detachable sebaceous glands and skin epithelium forms ottorgshimsya earwax. myom The dried plates remove sulfur contribute to fluctuations myom membranous-cartilaginous part of external auditory canal during chewing. Abundant availability of grease in the outer auditory canal prevents water in it. There is a trend of narrowing the meatus from the entrance to the end of the cartilage. Attempts to remove sulfur using foreign objects may lead to pushing through pieces of sulfur in the bone department, where her self-evacuation impossible. It creates the conditions for the formation of cerumen and the development of inflammatory processes of the outer ear. Internal auditory meatus bone has in the middle of the narrowest - the isthmus, which is located in a wider plot. Clumsy attempts to remove the foreign body from the auditory canal can lead to pushing through his isthmus, which greatly complicate further removal. The skin of thin bone, does not contain glands and hair follicles and moves the eardrum, forming its outermost layer.
The eardrum is the boundary between the outer and middle ear and is a thin, impermeable to air and liquid membrane pearly gray. Most of the tympanic membrane is tensioned by fixing a circular trough fibrous cartilage ring. In the upper anterior tympanic membrane is not stretched due to lack of gutters and secondary fibrous layer. Eardrum consists of three layers: 1 - outside - skin is a continuation of the external auditory canal skin, thinned and contains glands and hair follicles, 2 - internal - slimy - is a continuation myom of the mucous membrane of the tympanum, 3 - medium - The connective tissue - is presented two layers of fibers (radial and circular), myom providing spanned position eardrum. Usually when it is damaged scar formation by regenerating the skin and mucous layer.
Otoscopy - inspection of the tympanic membrane is of great importance in the diagnosis of diseases of the ear, as it gives an idea of the processes occurring in the tympanic cavity. The tympanum is a cube irregularly shaped volume of about 1 cm3, located in the petrous part of the temporal bone. Divided tympanum

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