Saturday, December 28, 2013

- First of all, the doctor based on the collection of the patient

Otitis media - about the disease probably heard many, and some have had to "get to know" him better. Oh, they certainly know that such meetings do not end anything good: for example, a middle ear infection (otitis media) can cause mastoiditis - infectious-inflammatory process in the mastoid. And the last and to meningitis may bring ...
- Mastoid bone behind the ear is - says ENT doctor North Kazakhstan regional hospital heart disease Gabdul Iskaliev. - This place attachment sternocleidomastoid muscle, the longest belt and head muscles. Its design is similar to the cell - its cellular tissue. heart disease
- Primary mastoiditis is very rare, it develops as a distinct disease with no prior infection. The cause may be trauma mastoid sepsis, suppuration of lymph nodes near the appendix.
More common secondary mastoiditis. He appears as a result of the transition from inflammation of the middle ear to the mastoid. Examination usually reveals pathogens such as pneumococci, heart disease gemofilus influenzae, beta-hemolytic streptococcus and negative microflora.
The most dangerous thing that the infectious heart disease process can lead to the destruction of the delicate bone structure of the cells of the mastoid process, and this will entail even more devastating. Spreading infectious process can reach the cranial cavity and brain. This means that can start meningitis, brain abscess, suppurative inflammation of the inner ear (it can cause deafness!).
- Usually decreases the overall health of the patient, increased body temperature, pain with pressure behind the ear, swelling. Mastoiditis accompanied by pain in the ear pulsating nature, observed discharge of pus from the ear, generally decreasing rumor swells eardrum.
- First of all, the doctor based on the collection of the patient's heart disease complaints and inspection. Well, of course, will help clarify the diagnosis radiography and computed tomography. Pathogen was determined by analysis of evolved pus.
Should be noted that an important role is played by the patient's age. Children under the age of two-year-age, we can only speak about Antrim (inflammation of the mucous membrane and bony walls mastoid antrum), because kids have only Antrum (the largest cell process).
Much more often mastoiditis develops in older children - from 3 to 7 years, the disease occurs in adults during epidemics of viral infections in patients with poor health or chronic diseases heart disease such as diabetes.
- Traditionally distinguished conservative and surgical treatment. In the first case a powerful antibiotic. If damage is minimal process, pierce the eardrum to allow the outflow of pus, and simultaneously explore its microflora.
Mastoidectomy - the removal of the rear wall of the auditory canal, eardrum residues, as well as hammer and anvil. Practice shows that by the time required surgery, they have already been destroyed infection (there are violations of the patient's hearing because of such changes).
Acute otitis media often occur in children from 3 months to 3 years and their cause acute respiratory viral infections. heart disease Recommend parents to focus on the prevention of colds, maintenance of immunity in the season exacerbations.
And especially want to focus on thermal procedures: do not rush yourself warm ears, this procedure you can assign a doctor. In inflammatory processes, it can do a disservice.
Remember that even the common cold can lead to ear infections. If the channel between the ear and the nasopharynx due to swelling purulent fluid builds up, it can cause pain, and most importantly - inflammation. So beware of colds.
2013 Official website of the national magazine "Good Health"

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