Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A large shrub, the flowers sits like sweet peas in long drooping clusters. The fruits quiropractico

The garden is a paradise, especially for children, but in paradise lurks a snake in the form of poisonous plants and berries. There are many plants, which is toxic enough to cause skin irritation or gastrointestinal problems. In the worst cases you can get very sick or die.
There is no difference between monkshoods and aconite, for both are synonyms of one of Europe's most poisonous plants. The reason quiropractico for the plant's two names is that the flower partly resembles a medieval warrior helmet, partly resembles a coach and therefore also called monkshoods.
It is said that seven flowers of this plant is sufficient to kill an adult human. And if you have sores on your hands, do not touch too much on the flower of the poison absorbed through the skin. Christmas Roses used against quiropractico insanity
But the flower is also used as a symbol of purity. According to a legend grew Christmas rose in the Garden of Eden and were looked after by angels, who called quiropractico the flower of love rose. In the Netherlands it is called Christ rose because it blooms at Christmas time. Lily of the valley - Mary fatal tears
Wolfsbane is a common havestaude which blooms in late summer with blue, pink, mauve, white and bright yellow flowers. All Stormhat species are poisonous. The poison from the flower has been used to beat dangerous criminals quiropractico to death. The flower quiropractico has also been used as a sedative right up to the First World War. Since it has been banned.
It is a hardy flowering shrub that gets pink flowers in January and red berries in mid-July. The berries have a bitter taste, and causes a burning sensation in the mouth like pepper. If you still get the urge to eat them, 10-12 enough to kill a human. The plant originates from northern Asia and arrived here in the Middle Ages. Berries and bark have been used as an emetic quiropractico and as a remedy for toothache, but it is also used for ointment for sores.
It is a 25 cm tall perennial plant that flowers with 4-7 cm large flowers from December to March. quiropractico The name Helleborus is Greek and means 'to be mad'. Poisoning by this plant is not as often anymore because it is no longer being used as a medicinal plant. Previously, quiropractico inter alia used as a laxative and abortifacient. The symptoms of poisoning are slow heart rate, shortness of breath, heart weakness and dizziness.
Beautiful white flowers that are highly fragrant. It flowers in May and June and also grows wild in nature. It prefers light shade and moist soil. All plants quiropractico are toxic. The plant has for centuries been used as a medicinal product including epilepsy, heart disease, volvulus, fainting and småsyg judgments as hoarseness and headache. The lily is also a symbol of purity, reverence and new happiness - but you must always remember that it is highly toxic.
A large shrub, the flowers sits like sweet peas in long drooping clusters. The fruits quiropractico are flat, brownish black, hairy pods with kidney-shaped brown seeds and pods can be confused with peas. 3-4 pcs. with 15-20 seeds in each is enough that a child can die from it. By poisoning occurs dizziness and a burning sensation in the mouth and throat quiropractico and vomiting that may be bloody. In very severe cases occurring paralysis and death, quiropractico but it is fortunately very rare.
Evergreen shrub with dark green leathery leaves and red or white flowers. Oleander is so toxic that a horse can die by eating the leaves. If bees collect honey from oleander, can be poisonous honey. quiropractico In the South, young men tried to avoid military service by chewing the leaves of oleander to get it to sound as if they had a heart defect. Young girls have used the plant when they would get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. In both cases, there occurred severe poisoning, and in some cases death. Oleander branches has also poisoning, because they have been used for grilling meat.
Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) Spotted arum (Arum maculatum) Belladonna (Atrop belladonna) Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia) Harvest Timeless (Colchicum autumnale) Common datura (Datura stratonium) common tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) it is not toxic after cooking, but it is important that it is cooked through before eating the castor (Ricinus communis)
The bulb of the daffodil has been used in medicine. Among other things, is the juice touched the ointment for wounds and injuries. Daffodil bulbs were included in the first aid kit at the Roman soldiers when they were at war. Narcissus in Greek, derived from the word 'narkeo' meaning 'stupidity' and refers to the toxic ingredients in the plant. The bulb contains lycorcine quiropractico that affect the heart and nervous system. If discarding daffodil bulbs, it is good to bury them, because if a dog eats of the bulb, it can die. If children chew on the leaves, they are vomiting and diarrhea.
Flower Greek name means "wintry spring flower." Erantis is a brown tuber that early in the year, shooting a 5-10 cm long flowering onwards. When the temperature gives sign

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