Thursday, January 2, 2014

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Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae
Home Background Public report teaching staff and constituent instruments CHARTER agencies of paid educational services federal state educational standards, ankle pain honor of MSU institutions Supervisory Board of Education Board Meeting workforce Kindergarten Education Program "Birch" collective agreement "Hotline" educational institution Advisory Council item entering kindergarten Our news Sitemap
Constituent instruments ankle pain and Public History Council report ankle pain educational institution entering kindergarten Teaching Staff Advisory item Home Constituent and legal documents CHARTER INSTITUTIONS Our news site structure ankle pain organization paid educational services Educational Program Kindergarten "Birch" collective agreement "Hotline" federal state educational standards, honor of MSU institutions Supervisory Board of Education Board Meeting workforce
16.12.2013 ankle pain | Author: sadik
It can cause purulent meningitis, pneumonia (lung infection), epiglottitis (inflammation of the epiglottis), arthritis (joint inflammation), and purulent lesions of the whole organism - sepsis.
Haemophilus influenzae is characterized by severe and complications. It is easily transferred by air - borne by speaking, sneezing, coughing, especially among children under five - six years. Some of these micro-organism may not cause disease, but continues to live in the nasopharynx (it healthy ankle pain carriers). These children will be a source of infection for others who may develop severe illness. The most severe form of Haemophilus influenzae is purulent meningitis. According to some reports, in Russia, in children up to 6 years up to a third of all cases of purulent meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae type B. The disease begins with a high fever (up to 39-40 degrees C), chills, fever, malaise expressed by the child. Sometimes there is an unusual drowsiness, headache, ankle pain and vomiting.
In children younger ankle pain than 1 year is equivalent to a loud cry (because of a headache) and bulging fontanelle. These symptoms are caused by increased intracranial pressure due to inflammation of the meninges. Symptoms increase for a few days, and the condition becomes extremely difficult.
The disease can occur as an isolated and meningitis and involvement of other organs (joints, lungs) may develop sepsis. Haemophilus meningitis are difficult to treat because of their pathogen produces enzymes that make it resistant to antibiotics ankle pain (about 20-30% of hemophilic rod, isolated ankle pain from patients are not sensitive to many antibiotics).
Therefore, the results ankle pain of treatment is not always successful, and mortality in severe forms of the disease may reach 16-20%. One-third of patients undergoing hemophiloid meningitis develop irreversible neurological complications - seizures, delayed neuropsychological development, deafness, blindness, etc.
Pneumonia caused by Haemophilus influenzae type B, occurs mainly in children from 2 to 8 years, and for 60% of cases also has a variety of complications, including cardiac and lung. Since Hib bind to one half of pyogenic infections of the ear, nose and throat, in particular, ankle pain recurrent suppurative otitis (ear infection) and sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), and frequent acute respiratory diseases in children. In recent years it has become known that the sensitivity ankle pain to this microbe is increased in children with chronic bronchopulmonary disease and asthma provoked by infections. Due to its severity, a variety of clinical manifestations, ankle pain a large number of complications, high mortality and lack of efficacy of treatment Haemophilus influenzae ankle pain has developed a program for its prevention through vaccination. On the recommendations of the World Health Organization vaccination against Hib is recommended for all children. This immunization is carried out more than eighty countries and in countries with mandatory vaccination virtually eliminated Hib.
Vaccine efficacy is estimated as 95 - 100%. In Russia, this vaccine ankle pain is not included in the calendar of scheduled vaccinations. ankle pain One of the reasons is the high cost of foreign vaccine registered in our country, and the lack of (currently) domestic counterparts. However, given the risk of meningitis for life and health.
Created by Mizi
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