Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I would not immediately take the chance, vaccination even though it says

I have a gay friend who recently was diagnosed with Syphilis: S It is matter of course rigitg tiresome for him, but he tells me that there is now no one down sex has to be with someone, but does not it wink ... This is also reflected through fervent kiss ... But it rubs also by a smoke? We have some doubts! Hope someone can answer
I would not immediately take the chance, vaccination even though it says "close physical contact like petting or kissing." It infects the through saliva, which is always a bit of one's lips, no matter how much you take care of. If your friend is in treatment, it takes the some time and he is good again. It is treated with penicillin. he has just started treatment yesterday, but he has been infected for some time faktsik .. But he has not it the rash you should have, and so on. And one should not it have appear differently to treatment center if it is not to share drinks and smokes? For he has just been told that he should not it have sex, or kissing!
Symptoms may come and go over a long period. If you do not occur during treatment, you then fever, sore throat and rash. You can also become bald and crazy. If you are still not treated, you can get brain damage, broken bones, blindness and death. I knew enough not infected by kiss I kiss never again! I'm crazy enough already and reasonably happy with my hair .. Oh yes, it is to live, I'm also quite fond of.
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