Friday, January 24, 2014

Food sources, requirements, and interactions deficiency of vitamin B 3 Vitamin B3 found in many foo

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Vitamin B 3 (also known as vitamin PP, English Pellagra Preventing or antipellagra) a water-soluble vitamin belonging to the so-called vitamin B complex. Vitamin B3 is also called niacin, niacin a generic osgood schlatters term used to indicate the two substances: nicotinic acid (niacin that it would be proper) and nicotinamide (niacinamide also). Vitamin osgood schlatters B3 acts biologically in the form of two coenzymes, NAD (nicotine osgood schlatters adenine dinucleotide) and NADP (nicotine adenine dinucleotide phosphate). Vitamin B3 involved in various processes such as, for example, energy metabolism, DNA synthesis and functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin osgood schlatters B3 has the characteristics of stability far superior to other vitamins of the B complex vitamins, being resistant to heat, oxidation and bases.
Absorption of vitamin B 3 Niacin is absorbed in the intestine, after a process of hydrolysis, in the form of nicotinamide and nicotinic acid; such substances are then transferred to the various tissues. It is stored osgood schlatters mainly in the liver. Besides that via food, vitamin B3 may be synthesized from one of the essential amino acid, tryptophan. The requirements of niacin and tryptophan is expressed as N, which stands for "Niacin Equivalents" is conventionally considered that 60 mg of tryptophan correspond to 1 mg of niacin. Vitamin B3 in excess is excreted by the kidney. The amount of niacin in the body can be reduced by an excessive intake of carbohydrates or after taking antibiotics. The absorption of vitamin B3 can be reduced by cigarette smoke.
Food sources, requirements, and interactions deficiency of vitamin B 3 Vitamin B3 found in many foods, but some of them present in a form not available. Below is a list of some foods that contain good amounts of vitamin B3: Brewer's yeast (dry) - 38 Wheat Bran - 29.6 Liver (equine) - 14.7 Liver (pig) - 14.5 Peanuts (roasted) - 14 Anchovy (fresh) - 14 Liver (cattle) - 13.5 Liver (sheep) - 13.1 Chicken (breast, skinless, stir-fry) - Pheasant 11.6 - 11.3 Brewer's yeast (fresh) - 11.2 fowl (breast, skinless, roasted) - 11 turkey (breast, skinless, sauteed) osgood schlatters - 10.8 Tuna (in oil, drained) - 10.4 Tuna (in brine, drained) - 10 coffee (roasted) - 10 Sarda - 9.7 Salmon (smoked) - 8.8 Tuna (fresh) - 8.5 Chicken (breast, without skin, raw) - 8.3 Chicken (whole, skinless, roasted) osgood schlatters - Heart 8.2 (cattle) - 8.2. According osgood schlatters to the recommendations of the European daily requirement of niacin is considered in 6.6 mg per 1,000 kcal taken through feeding. Other sources, however, osgood schlatters suggest much higher income, up to about 50 mg / day). Obviously the recommended levels remain unchanged depending on the age, sex and state of health of the subject. A balanced diet can provide enough of the vitamin B3, which explains why, in a healthy person, the integration of this vitamin is not necessary. Vitamin B3 has recognized lipid-lowering effects (taking osgood schlatters in high doses decreased plasma levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and raising those of HDL cholesterol), when used for this purpose are generally prescribed doses higher than 250 mg / day in weekly increments up to, in certain situations, at doses of 2 g / day. These assumptions have pharmacological value that will be put in place all the necessary precautions, so may result in overdose symptoms. Supplementation of vitamin B3 may be considered in certain situations (older people, particularly those who are employed or engaged in strenuous sports activities to medium-high intensity, patients suffering from chronic wasting illness, people with extensive burns or with particular severity osgood schlatters of injury, individuals who abuse alcohol or drugs). As in the case of other vitamins that are part of the vitamin B complex, an interesting solution for those who do not want to resort to supplements may be to use yeast flakes. The integration of niacin contraindicated in case you are following a drug therapy

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