Sunday, May 10, 2015

(4) Since then, been a year, lying on bed

There was the dead of night Mddhim C fine voice shout strikes, mother Bai ear crashed into the lives of their multi Tikkr her feet hit the wall by the bed - not knowing when to press the heck out of sleep was lapped |
(2) "Just got to make 'a flying appearance by saying tuberculosis symptoms rising cast on a wall clock, was three o'clock in the night | close three grandchildren - Potia chaotically tangled in one another were asleep | the past year large multi-bed and it became routine of life was | sleeping, waking, eating - drinking, the order was all awry | Every time there was a feeling of anxiety, what will happen? The fear of an unknown unwelcome was scared | son's nature to be simple, family tuberculosis symptoms and social and career Pecidgio ignorant, busy in his shop |
'Take up, take tea, multi Taking Life quote | Put hands behind the neck, gently lift from support Huye, Hoto serve tea to put the cup gently put to sleep | Multi-view and a look at the sleeping children put on the bench by resting tuberculosis symptoms sat along a wall | and thought it pushed back 13 | He remembered his sister's sentence - "Hey, do you think, girl diamond, diamond | you to Rajendra, a handsome couple suit | from a good family girl found in the caste will not | really was a diamond in the girl | Gore characters, tuberculosis symptoms sharper, beautiful nose - inscribe, tuberculosis symptoms height - saddle, had written and in practice Best | married | beholder Radha - Krishna says, can not stop talking pair of | time and see the world at their own pace and continued - only - see the three children were |
(3) multi briefly came fever, has not recovered, the weakness | Ksbe the nearby big city doctor advised to check with an expert | to check the doctor said probably cancer, sarcoma | all left speechless the | in such a young age, yet only thirty-spring of life is seen, the child is too small | for treatment carried Bombay | placed throughout the fortnight, Tata hospital just check, check, tuberculosis symptoms check and money | like water Baha | doctor prescribed medicine, said take it home, do not mean to keep him here |
(4) Since then, been a year, lying on bed

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