Monday, May 4, 2015

To light more lamps indoors is not enough to counteract the disturbance. narcissistic personality d

In the light room of General Psychiatry in Malmö is all white. Ceilings and walls are painted white, chaises are white, the table is white, narcissistic personality disorder and even the cups are white. A colorful packages tea bags are the interior only splash of color.
Here sits the patients two hours in the morning wrapped in white robes and with white towels on the legs. They can listen to music, chatting, solving Sudoku or reading a newspaper, while the eyes imbibe the sunlight like the glow from the many fluorescent lamps. For some people it takes is a single tvåveckorskur, while others need booster doses a few times a week during the winter months.
- Those who need even more we recommend to buy your own light bulb, says Baba Pendse. He is a consultant and has conducted research on patients with autumn and winter depression, in English known as SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Scientific studies of winter depression
According to psychiatry earlier view was sadly not a very serious narcissistic personality disorder disease. But Baba Pendses studies have provided a different picture. In his thesis he compared SAD patients hospitalized depression patients who have attempted suicide.
The comparison showed that SAD patients actually was worse than the other patients both in their own judgments and estimates made by the doctor. The point including often irritability, fatigue, memory loss, muscle tension, considering narcissistic personality disorder the peak, slowness and outrage. They also had weak social networks and poor social functioning.
- These patients can socially hibernate during the winter months. The decline invitations to parties and other events, never take friends home and not participate in any social life at all. They are constantly tired despite sleeping very much.
He further explains that many of SAD patients' complaints are not addressed in psychiatry established rating scales for severity of depression. It helps that their suffering narcissistic personality disorder be underestimated. More common in the north
Autumn and winter depression are not in the countries around the equator, but is quite common in our latitudes. A few percent of the Swedish population seeking treatment, but many more are believed narcissistic personality disorder to have the disease in milder form. Some pass through to go abroad or travel narcissistic personality disorder to the mountains in the fall to get sunlight, while others got used to everything in the winter go a little slower and feels a bit gloomy.
The root of the disease is considered to be the hormone melatonin, brain hypnotics. Melatonin is produced when we are in darkness, but production is interrupted when the eye is hit by sunlight. Melatonin in turn affects the important neurotransmitter serotonin.
- If melatonin secretion is disrupted, as we believe it is in patients with SAD, so disturbed the central clock that controls the timed functions of the body's organs. His sleep is disturbed, the stress level increases and so on, says Baba Pendse. Light of the right strength and wavelength
To light more lamps indoors is not enough to counteract the disturbance. narcissistic personality disorder For indoor lighting should narcissistic personality disorder have a therapeutic effect, narcissistic personality disorder there must be at least three times stronger than normal light bulbs or fluorescent tubes. Besides having the right strength, so should the light also have the right wavelength and be evenly spread.
One reason is that it is difficult to compare light therapy with placebo, pretend therapy in studies where either the patients or the investigators know who gets which treatment. That such a methodology is required to be securely to determine narcissistic personality disorder the effect of a certain new treatment. narcissistic personality disorder This comparison method is suitable for common drugs, but a fake treatment in a credible way be compared to a light room's difficult to get to.
Most people who work with light therapy, and most patients and their relatives, believes, however, narcissistic personality disorder according to Baba Pendse that the method is useful. While not everyone will be completely healthy, so even small improvements important because fall and winter depression narcissistic personality disorder can be a heavy burden.
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Melatonin is a sleep hormone produced in the brain's pineal gland. The production is controlled by the amount of light entering through the eye's retina. In broad daylight, melatonin production is low, but when darkness falls produced ever more melatonin, narcissistic personality disorder which makes us drowsy and are more likely to fall asleep. When daylight returned will be activated instead of stress and alertness hormone that has the opposite effect. RELATED MATERIALS Read more
This article was previously published in the journal Current on Science & Health June 2011. It is thematic and comes out twice a year. The theme of the latest issue is the Sun, sickness and health.
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