Thursday, May 7, 2015

For many, winter can be a heavy season when it can constantly feel cold and dark. Darkness surround

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For many, winter can be a heavy season when it can constantly feel cold and dark. Darkness surrounds one on the way to work / school in the morning and during hemvandringen afternoon. This darkens the mood of many, and in fact the whole 3-5% of Swedes are so affected that they meet the criteria for seasonal depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD). The disease can occur during other seasons as well. What distinguishes SAD from an ordinary depression is that a person suffering from the disease can (during a slump) have a strong sweet tooth and an impaired immune system.
Pure neurologically and physically dependent on seasonal depression of disturbed melatonin and sera tone levels, as well as a lack of vitamin D. One must have gone into a slump at the same time at least two years in a row to get this diagnosis.
As a preventive measure, you can try to be out there much of the day, exercising, and avoiding or take it easy on the alcohol. Treatment-wise, medication, talk therapy and behavioral activation proven to work. There is no scientific evidence that light therapy could work. Despite this offers several county councils method.

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