Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What Ekeros politicians of the government crisis pollen count 03/12/2014

It is five past eight in the morning when I open the front door to go home. Just as I made five of eight every Monday to Friday the last three weeks. "Ouch!" A bright light hits me and it feels like someone has tossed a handful of nails in my not yet fully awake eyes. The nails are entering through my morning eyes narrow and suddenly fills every corner of my feeble body with a feeling I have not felt an ounce of recent times. "Juste, was this how it feels to be happy?" I think.
After not having pollen count proved in three weeks, the sun peeked out. Its dazzling rays rips off my cloak of anxiety, fatigue and pain in one quick tug. And there I stand, at five over eight confused about my sudden mood reversal, and wonder: "How is it that this giant fireball, my emotional life around pollen count her little finger?" And I do not think I stand alone with this issue. pollen count
Three weeks a year suffer more than twelve million people in northern Europe of seasonal pollen count affective disorder. What we normal people pollen count would call "Vinterdeppen" or "The incurable darkness." When love and sex drive decided to tighten pipsvängen and food decided to stop tasting. Sandman has taken vacation and sun gone into hibernation. In English pollen count called syndrome fittingly for SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), and during November and December ability to spread like the plague on the northern parts of our round Earth.
Insomnia, eating disorders pollen count and a constant sense of hopelessness many feel again in this time of the year. As December kicks off, we determine that winter is here. Christmas is approaching, and we strive for a snuggle-climax. We decorate, spice and rearranging but quickly realize that overconsumption of lighting chains and julbockar does not cure the feeling of emptiness.
But when the sun's magic strings suddenly start to play again as something happens with us. As an acute morning-after pill, they take away all the worry and anxiety. The sunlight causes some inexplicable calm and suddenly we get the feeling that "This may be a good day."
But this winter depp a syndrome we need to treat or just endure? A few years ago, light therapy a thing. The strong UV light to cure the approximately 180 000 people seeking help for winter depression. pollen count Can it really be as simple as surfing on the Philips website, click home a lamp, sit in front of it and wait to be happy again? Maybe I'm cynical, because I have not actually tried it myself, but this type of treatment pollen count screaming pretty much a placebo in my ears.
It is, after all, only three weeks a year. And when you get that banging nails in his eyes that Monday morning at five past eight, maybe you can still feel, that's actually not that dangerous?
What Ekeros politicians of the government crisis pollen count 03/12/2014
No Luncheon for vegetarians Ekeros 12.12.2014

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