Monday, May 11, 2015

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or Ukprzaksl (English: AIDS), human immune deficiency virus [Ma

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or Ukprzaksl (English: AIDS), human immune deficiency virus [Makprzaksl] (HIV) infection status, in which human potential umbilical hernia loses his natural immunity. AIDS is not a disease itself suffering from AIDS on the human body, infectious diseases, which are bacteria and viruses, umbilical hernia etc., loses power because of its natural resistant HIV (the virus that causes AIDS is causing) blood resistant substance is present in the lymph-Kosho attacks. AIDS immunity in the body gradually begin to decay any opportunistic infections, ie common cold, from cold to diseases such as tuberculosis are comfortable and are difficult to treat. HIV. AIDS infection umbilical hernia in the event of reaching 8 to 10 years or more can take. Persons with HIV for many years without any particular symptoms can live without.
AIDS is one of the biggest health problems umbilical hernia of the present age, ie that it is an epidemic. umbilical hernia The three main causes of AIDS infection - unprotected sexual relations, exchange of blood and from mother to child by infection. Acquired immune deficiency umbilical hernia syndrome of national control programs [1] United Nations acquired immune deficiency syndrome] Both believe that 80 to 85 percent of infections in India unsafe Straight / heterosexual sex is spreading [1]. It is believed that the first virus of this disease: HIV, Africa's special Prajati found in the monkey and from there spread over the entire world. Yet it is considered incurable, but studies are underway around umbilical hernia the world to treat it. 1 9 81 since the discovery of AIDS, about 30 million people will have lost.
AIDS was first clinically observed in the United States in 1981. The initial cases were Pneumocystis carinii (PCP) pneumonia, umbilical hernia a rare opportunistic infection may

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