Sunday, May 3, 2015

Stress causes the release of cortisol in the body. The heart rate increases, the brain receives ext

Sweden tops the statistics when it comes to sleep disorders. About 11 percent of Swedes suffer from serious sleep problems and the phenomenon is more common among women than men. But what is it that causes the crippling fatigue? Stress, hormones, wrong diet and seasonal affective disorder are some of many reasons. With the help of Feelgood's sleep guide can you find the cause - and the best cure. Sleep well!
Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder, has a presumed scabies pictures connection with the production of melatonin, the brain's own "hypnotic", increases during the dark half of the year. Many Swedes feel sagging under precisely the autumn and winter periods - but there is help:
Stress causes the release of cortisol in the body. The heart rate increases, the brain receives extra oxygen and energy is released scabies pictures from body fat and glykosreserver. When turned on cortisol will close, or lasts too long, there may be hormonal imbalance. Stress you too much or too often, you can simply empty your depots, making you constantly excited by extension very tired. The stress can make it difficult to fall asleep and also affects the quality of sleep negatively.
Your appetite-regulating hormones are in constant work. They tell you when you are hungry - and when you're full. The hormone ghrelin signals when the stomach is empty, scabies pictures while leptin sends appetite suppressant signals when you have eaten enough. This duo can be disrupted by sugar, which according to studies prevents the production of leptin and thus causes the body to continue to be in the "hungry" state.
Thyroid hormones act as the body's thermostat and regulates both incineration capacity and energy scabies pictures levels. Stress, nutritional deficiencies, inflammation or other disease can upset the balance - which then has a strong influence on the body's health.
Or is there someone in your circle scabies pictures of friends or family that drain your energy? Energy Thieves can be difficult to detect and can have time to cause great damage before they are put behind bars. MåBra help you identify personlighetstypern
When the feeling of tiredness does not go to sleep away it may be time to seek help. Chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome affects scabies pictures health both physically and mentally. Many people get body aches, difficulty concentrating and feel depressed. But it can be difficult to know where the fatigue scale you are, through the Feelgood's sleep guide, you can determine whether you need to seek help!
Read more about: always tired, scabies pictures seasonal affective disorder, iron deficiency, trouble sleeping, tired all the time
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