Thursday, May 28, 2015

April 22, 2003 ::: Warriors of God holding Easter Mass Monday, 21 April 2003. Easter is fulfilled.

April 28, 2003 ::: Consultant in an electricity Friday 25 April 2003. Here goes up as usual. Have been circling the Swedes and the Finns plan electrification here in Kabul. It's mostly about the update seizures transformer and lines that were destroyed in the war. Flutninsspennan 110 kV, 15 kV distribution voltage (to rise to 20 kV in the future) and the user voltage is 400/230 V. It seems that the East Germans had designed and helped to structure the electricity supply for the war. Estimated use pr. family is 1 kW, designed for lighting and television. Enough electricity for the next five months because the plants operate well in the rigningartíð which has been lately. seizures Visited the ministry of water and orkumála.Hitti where the engineer Electricity in Afghanistan. Knowledgeable person, spoke good English and knew exactly what everything is about. Nice to meet here his colleague. Countries that its reconstruction seizures here seem to intend to use me as a consultant in the electricity sector, since I only electricity villain in the area as I know. It is good, then I travel seizures more than I did if I handled seizures only projects for the Germans. Magnus H. Gislason ::: posted by Salvör at 3:45 on behalf of
April 23, 2003 ::: Visit the University of Kabul Thursday, April 17, 2003. I have recently been busy with designing the electrical system in two police stations. Went yesterday for a visit to the University of Kabul with few Svúum, to check why uzbekískur seizures transformer that had been set up for the boarding house did not. It turned out that it was to connect it, install the switch cover and more. Something disconnects seizures between ministries, one ministry had set up a transformer, but another to connect seizures it. The university has about 13,000 students seizures and about the day, at the beginning of the school year had to refer about 5000 students from the result a bit tight. It caused some unease among the public. We looked at boarding accompanied friends legs young man, who was learning computer English "Computer Enska". Save generate about 2,700 students seizures in the house as factors probably suitable for hundreds of people in Iceland. The boy showed us the original cafeteria. The kitchen had been modern for 30 years, lived an ordinary electric. But the war was all cleared away from the table and all electricity electricity wires stolen also. Old technology and modern kitchen uploaded Solved Afghans as so often, with the return to the past. They built kitchen uploaded on schoolyard and delivers food in the cafeteria. Special to see potatoes cooked for 2,700 people in one of the barn. In the house next to the Germans had built a new kitchen, modern kitchen uploaded. Ten barns in a row, each with about 100 liters of pot. It was stylish to put a draft was served outside, where his hands were rotating in and ashes rotating out. Also, smoke pollution relatively small indoors, unlike the old uploaded kitchen. Well, it is now time improving the old technology. Visit the teen girls 'school Yesterday we went to visit the young girls' school, which stands for the reform. The girls were all in black dress with white adversely. They were rather curious, but very reserved compared to boys of their age. Only two could go with our interpreter balance into one of moral reasons. Afghans are in fact very sensitive to show women to strangers, especially in schools. High walls were around our school and school gate covered seizures with fabric, so that pedestrians would not peek into our school. Filming of course not appropriate. Usually women ill with cameras and girls are taught seizures to avoid capture. Boys and young men are, however, mad at letting form itself. Electricity local loop in the school had ever been damaged and no one there who could do with. General craftsmanship disappeared with all those who fled the country during the war last year. a quarter century. They had even tried to save themselves with a little description for the school. Equipped had been about 200 meters local loop from various debris, normal ídráttarvír, cables and lamp cords. The joint was rotated wires together as best we can and plastic bag tied around sometimes isolation. Neither seen nor port isolation band. This was either hung up in trees or thrown into open sewage conduit and ended somewhere in the home. Yes, it is enough to take in rebuilding here in Afghanistan. Magnus H. Gislason ::: posted by Salvör at 9:26 on behalf of
April 22, 2003 ::: Warriors of God holding Easter Mass Monday, 21 April 2003. Easter is fulfilled. No holidays taken, worked all weekend days. On Friday came the Icelander here in Afghanistan to visit, Ríkharður Red Cross and Red Crescent. He is working near Masala-e-Sharif in the north of the school building in a village there. It is not the job risk, recently was one of their cars stop and European seizures citizen executed. The dead in peace. On Saturday was burned and spree here, "Eusterfeuer". The

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