Tuesday, May 26, 2015

One works hard all his life to make the best of their situation and if you have the misfortune to H

Often, this question brought up when I was small and also after I became older. I remember not having answered this question like, except a few times when I was determined to become a hairdresser.
I cut and tússaði hair on my dolls, cut the hair of my sister, dad, grandma, mom and myself, went out to color the hair of those who wanted to get color in your hair. I was editing scissors, 17 weeks pregnant thinning scissors, color, brush carry color in, gloves, caps and I do not know what and what and when it came to check me in their school was hairdressing department 17 weeks pregnant full and I did not; at least not immediately.
So I met a woman hairdresser. Neighbor. She had taken the Masters in their hair and had intended to make it his career, but was a violent allergy, asthma and rashes if she so much as washed herself the hair with chemicals or soap materials. She showed me hands down were purple for chemical burns, nails all sintered and yellowish. She had loved this job and had become close after 15 years may work but was now at home on disability compensation and lived nothing particularly fine life.
I snarhætti to become a hairdresser, however, I kept cutting family, but decided to wait a while and just be outside the labor market for some months. Course was very keen to get paid for about one month and the school became distant and distant as the months passed. Those months 17 weeks pregnant were so years and I went to live, have children and do all the things for working housewives do.
Soon I become qualified to raise children of my own children and decided to try to work with it for a while. Sure, it was quite wonderful and income were acceptable. I could do little more than I had allowed me before and it was only the fact that I was happy in my job and had plenty to do. I bought my apartment, I had a car and had all the good course, had good relations with my bank and was definitely up.
So it came to me began to thirst in more knowledge. I sold my apartment and moved into student housing. I took a loan, but insufficient for rent, maintenance and operation of the car so that my good relationship with my bank were suddenly no longer good.
I was just "Lilli pitiful NO Empty" because payment can me sharply. Not only my relationship with the bank worsened, but people began to treat me differently. Women I had known, and contact with for many years stop taking any mark on what I said and that's all I did bear witness tremendous irresponsibility and negligence.
I left school because I lost faith that I was doing the right thing. I had lost control of my existence, I did not know what was going to be when I grew up and I had become pretty big. Skeptic voices became louder around me and I was no longer safe with my goals.
I began to think about what others thought I should do and began to chase it. I founded the federal and went to "work eat and sleep" routine, long-established, took me work I had no experience and was not too happy for, but I would do my very best. Shared all my possessions and all my inclusion in the good faith belief that maybe someday get something back.
Suddenly I stood alone outside the plane: I was neither a man nor a flat car. All my personal effects found in one 8 square container and my kids did not understand anything about anything, when we went to grandma's house to sleep there for many nights. No one understands me. I was asked why I would just not work and rent and buy me this and that.
I went looking for a job and got it, but of course it is not available for the woman who is redundant and has nothing diploma to show to get any other work but to work low-paying job, I took welcomes only to do something good.
One works hard all his life to make the best of their situation and if you have the misfortune to Heltau the train out of illness or circumstances that arise in life, then the person will necessarily return.
There are many people out there who know all kinds of jobs, but do not have certificates to show the same. They could even walk into five different jobs, but it make any less for. People with fine certificates themselves, who do not live neither the experience nor the intelligence to take advantage of what they have learned. 17 weeks pregnant
So come experience bolts bent by age and experience, but do not have a certificate to prove the same thing and get a shame hat to keep them to carry out the same work and school for people who fill up the breaches and flying each company after another in the coastal .
My friend and I have often talked about this; that person chooses 17 weeks pregnant not everything in life. There are ambiguous and we just tried to sail it. One chooses not fibromyalgia,

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