Thursday, May 14, 2015

Buy smart drugs, water retention Ritalin RITALIN, focus of concerta modafinil, July 27, 2014 Sunday

Buy smart drugs, water retention Ritalin RITALIN, focus of concerta modafinil, July 27, 2014 Sunday Hong Kong to buy Ritalin (RITALIN), Taiwan's purchase of Ritalin (RITALIN), China buy Ritalin (RITALIN), focus of Hong Kong to buy (concerta), Taiwan's purchase of special Sida (concerta), China later focus of (concerta) water retention buy ritalin Hong Kong, buy concerta Taiwan, buy ritalin China buy smart drugs Ritalin (RITALIN), focus up (concerta), modafinil Nepal (Modafinil) Contact QQ2261547962, Taobao transactions, security worries, July 27, 2014 Sunday, Smart drugs: what are they and how do they work? Let's start with the basics of what smart drugs are, what they are not. Cosmetic psychopharmacology field is still in its infancy, but cited the use of smart drugs is an explosion in our lifetime, as researchers gain a better understanding of which substances affect the brain and how they do so. For many people, this movie is infinite possibilities One time the first glimpse into the "pill that can make u smarter," and while the novel is One a long way from reality, ready - in fact , today's certainty in their daily news shows - is still very exciting. Read More The term "smart drugs" is a generic term One class of compounds called nootropics - chemicals that enhance cognition and memory or facilitate learning. However, this One umbrella-like inner "thing, u can eat, so u smarter," there are a lot of changes, as long as the operation of the body, perception influences (and measurable), potential use and abuse, as well as spillover the impact of the method of non-cognitive processes of the body. Why nootropics has just started to become mainstream? Many of the most popular "smart drugs" (piracetam, Shubu, ginkgo, water retention etc.) have existed for decades, or even thousands of years, but still only know the One profound practicioners of the medical profession or herbs. Why is that? If these compounds have demonstrated cognitive benefits, why do not they universal? Why every Class-school children get fluoride on tooth development (although water retention fluoride is One known neurotoxin), but not, say, piracetam their brain development? Why tilt the evening news story more appealing to the fear - of change than richer cognitive future commitments? There is no clear answer. Many smart drugs for decades and are widely used in medical research behind them, and only minor, manageable, water retention or absence of side effects, but still mainly used crutches cognitive decline has occurred, rather than as One a booster rocket for people with healthy brain. Unfortunately, the Western emphasis on prescription drugs One month One time bad things had already started, rather than pre-prevention. There's "Leave water retention well enough alone" principle - in this case, the expansion means, instead water retention of the normal diet do not add unnecessary or unnatural drugs on the human body. [Intelligent drug SMARTS people think the average human diet has deviated so far from what is "normal" physiological leaving well enough alone is already a failure One proposition. ] Is probably the most significant use of the term "drug" has a significant negative connotation in our culture. "Medicine" is bad: So Richard Nixon declared water retention war on drugs, and Nancy "say no to drugs" after the Reagan years, water retention and other leaders continue to propose days. Legal demonization of the worst forms of soft drugs, water retention leading to the elective use of any chemical agents to alter the body's process as biased One. Players enhancing water retention drugs is considered cheating - despite the fact that many of these physiologic access keys work. Students and seek psychological enhancements, taking smart drugs professionals universities are now facing similar scrutiny. However, history has shown that the elves do not stay in the bottle. All morality aside, there is plenty of evidence that the use of smart drugs can profoundly improve the human cognition, and there can be obtained advantages - even though the risk involved - some people will seize the opportunity to leap. SMARTS smart drugs, we expect a wave of community will continue to favor elective nerve enhancers, and select the user's brain to do the most beneficial impact on who will inevitably outweigh the costs. Nootropic drug class has nootropic drug classification for seven main categories: Racetams, stimulant, adaptogen, intended gall alkali drugs, Serotonergics, dopaminergic drugs and metabolic function of nootropic drugs. Although there is considerable overlap, and the reaction water retention in the brain and the body, these substances there is no clear boundary, each class reflect its role through different chemical pathways within water retention the body. Racetams Racetams is best known for intelligent drug on the market, and has several decades behind their widespread use. Piracetam is One leading smart drugs, commonly used in the elderly with Alzheimer's disease or pre-dementia symptoms - but studies have shown the beneficial effects of piracetam extended to people of all ages, young and college students. The Racetams accelerate chemical exchange between brain cells. Effects include increased verbal learning, mental clarity, and One-like intelligence. Other members of the family include Pula Shitan Shitan, Oxiracetam, аnԁ aniracetam, piracetam from major difference in its effectiveness, rather than their actual results. Studies have shown that the use of alkali racetams can consume bile and cause headaches brain. To counteract this effect, users often need to supplement gall alkali - One general bitartrate gall alkali - racetam amount in proportion to their intelligent drug therapy. The Racetams water retention no control water retention in the United States or the substance of most of the world, and to non-prescription over-the-counter as a dietary supplement. water retention "Excessive reaction" in itself, is not really possible for these extremely toxic tonic, with the most extreme side effects felt by the user is similar to drinking too much caffeine. Doping Doping is nootropics most familiar with, the first stimulant caffeine and nicotine are widely used, and not more famous son of amphetamine. Stimulant drug commonly used as nootropics in the sense that they like to promote One awakening, and the brain and the body's water retention "alert" in One ready-to state. Basically, the effect of any drug will increase the IQ function reduce drowsiness, as long as the user is not so over-stimulated them shaking or driven to distraction. Doping water retention is now the most popular news articles One legitimate water retention as "smart drugs" is modafinil, which came to the market as an anti-narcolepsy drug, but within the army obtained the following length change, and college students pull all-night doctor who need medication to improve alertness and caffeine water retention is not related water retention to "wired" feeling. water retention One kind of modafinil is relatively new nootropic, it has been widely used only in the past 15 years. More research is needed before scientists understand the function of this drug within the brain - but it provides increased alertness is undisputed. To meet the original adaptation of the original chemical plant origin, its activity can help the body maintain or regain balance (the balance between the body's metabolic processes). water retention One almost without exception, to adapt the original as a dietary supplement, not controlled in the counter drugs. Well known adaptogens include ginseng, kava kava, passionflower, St. John's wort, and gotu kola. Many of these traditional therapies border is "folk wisdom", and has been used for hundreds or thousands, and for the treatment of mild One cut from anxiety and depression, low libido. These nootropics in many different ways (they have in common is a function of the body in its income, rather than its chemical composition) of the work, it can be said that One as cognitive boost user receives mostly fixed in poor Results of people with eating disorders, body toxicity, or other metabolic problems, rather than promote new brain cells or nerve connections to grow. Gall bladder alkali alkali base class pro-drugs water retention play an important intellectual role in memory and cognition, attention water retention and mood regulation. Alkali Acetylcholine (ACh) is a major neurotransmitter in the brain, and the normal function of the peripheral nervous system is also very important. Studies in rats have shown some forms of learning and neural plasticity seems impossible in the brain acetylcholine alkali depletion region. One that is particularly worth mentioning, because (as the next Racetams section water retention above), the racetam class nootropics are often consumed bile acid alkali from the brain, so the classic "supplementary protocol water retention stack" of the One - One chemical water retention supplements used together - is piracetam water retention and bile alkali tartrate. Bile acid alkali can also be found in normal food sources, such as egg yolks and soybeans. One other famous smart drugs classified as gall alkali is Shubu synthetic derivative of thiamine, it crosses the blood - brain barrier, and has been shown to improve memory, while reducing the psychological and behavioral inhibition. The Shubu has been shown in the hippocampus showed guts alkali can be adjusted because the impact of the drug on brain discernible unclear. water retention This nootropic, available over the counter as a nutritional supplement, has a long history of use, it does not seem serious side effects, at a therapeutic level. Serotonergics serotonin or 5 - serotonin (5-HTP), is another water retention One major neurotransmitter and control psychological landscape include the main features of mood, sleep and appetite. Serotonin is through water retention exposure One reason for this is folk remedies "One get some sun" to fight depression is generated within the scientific credibility of the body. Many foods contain natural serotonin (serotonin promote or release) of the compound, including the famous chemical L- tryptophan found in Turkey, after a big Thanksgiving dinner, can promote water retention sleep. Iluminal people use to find performance gains, improved memory, and mood brightening over-the-counter drugs - serotonin example. It is also worth noting that One widely prescribed class of antidepressants is based on the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors can slow the absorption of presynaptic serotonin cells, increase neurotransmitter, receptor neurons - essentially promote water retention serum Prime free-flow throughout the brain. Dopaminergic dopaminergic very smart drug substance, affect dopamine levels in the brain. One major Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, responsible for the good feelings and biochemical behavior of positive feedback, our biological water retention nature rewards us: delicious food, good social relations, and so on. Dopamine nootropics enhance attention and alertness by increasing the efficacy of dopamine in the brain, or inhibiting the enzyme dopamine down decomposition. Examples of dopamine popular nootropic drugs include: yohimbine, selegiline and L- tyrosine. Shubu thiamine, just as bile alkali intelligently drugs mentioned, may also be classified as dopaminergic, although its mechanism of action is counterintuitive: by decreasing dopamine release in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, water retention dopamine receptors density continues to Shubu after exposure actually increased by compensatory mechanisms. (This shows how divided nootropics into a smart "class" is the One a matter of taste, as well as science One interesting example, especially through the mechanism is uncertain, many of them to create a recognizable effect water retention of nerve .) metabolism nootropics metabolism nootropics One generally provide spiritual well-being by promoting metabolic processes of new production and storage of energy from food and the fat associated with the release of the human body. Creatine, after long-time favorite performance-enhancing drugs a competitive athlete, in a recent press, when it was discovered in One double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial have significant cognitive benefits - including cognition as two One speed and improve working memory. One species of Ginkgo biloba is used to enhance memory and improve other One a metabolic function of blood circulation nootropic - however, news from recent studies raises the effect of these alleged problems. Shut down
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