Sunday, May 17, 2015

Zen Buddhism raskauslaskuri is the heart cases; cardiac cases, that is the heart of Buddhism to; he

Do not praise the pale "hottest resignation letter"
Chinese traditional culture, there are two major mainstream, ever since, has been continuous, endless transmutation become unique Chinese national spirit, that is, Confucianism and Taoism. Starting from the Eastern raskauslaskuri Han Dynasty, after the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties to the early 唐鼎盛 period, although intermediate input Buddhist culture, had friction with Confucianism and occur in the form, the end result of three fundamentally interlinked veins have one thing in common Notwithstanding the differences in appearance, and often mutually Assimilation is one, so the Chinese traditional culture has been essentially constitute a renowned history of the splendid spirit by the Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism ideas. Based on the concept of historians, who say the first generation Shengping Longsheng the rule, must first move the Han, Tang, when the Han, Tang peace and prosperity on the occasion, the cultural spirit, but also form a unique pattern generation; the political culture of the Han Dynasty, about the inherent traditional culture and Taoism raskauslaskuri two thoughts, self into it as a system; and the Tang Dynasty due to join the foreign Buddhist culture, the benefits raskauslaskuri of increasing its glory.
Master's Patriarch, Su Xing Lu, father taboo line Tao, formerly Fan Yang people. Gaozu Takenori three years in September, falling officer in New Jersey, Lee's mother, pregnant pregnant six years is student-teacher, so the teacher membership Guangdong New South Wales. Health and fitness is when Emperor Zhen Guan Hundred years old, February 8th midnight, dawn the next morning, there are two monks built Ye, that the division of the father said: This child can be named Patriarch. raskauslaskuri I referred to this in the name of the father asked? Monk said: Hui who, with law-hui economic beings, capable, able to make Buddhist, Yan Bi out, I do not know that it. Teachers and students not to drink breast milk, the case of the man of God filling the night with nectar. Year-old, father's funeral, was buried in the house River, mother Shouzhi Ju Yang, moved the South China Sea. Ji Long, vend paid for the mother. Twenty four, a negative salary over the city, the smell of a passenger recite raskauslaskuri the Diamond Sutra, while wake up to reality, then what of Rooms chanting through? After the name of the customer to sue, and that qizhou from Hubei Huangmei East Temple, the Temple of Zen Patriarch macro its forbearance master, master of in Peru, the doors were more than one thousand, five ancestral raskauslaskuri often teach people but recite the Diamond Sutra, namely from the see of, straight Buddha. raskauslaskuri Master hear, angrily if the Kai, who are heading seek law, and to read mother helpless; hesitated between parties, and have patronized Su Yuan, scold it difficult, master with advertised. Mongolia is a passenger, twelve silver to make sufficient food and clothing his mother taught so Seeking to apricot.
Masters to apricot, the ancestral asked: Ruhe countryman? Desire what things? Master replied: disciple who is New Jersey, raskauslaskuri all the way to seek division, but of as the Buddha, not for the residue. Patriarch said: Yu Lingnan people, but also Ge Liao (when dubbed Lingnan language), How worthy as Buddha! Master said: Although people north and south, not north and south of the Buddha, the monk body and different 獦 hunt, what is the difference Buddha? Wuzu more desire and language, see the herd in the side, Nailing with the public for services. Master said: disciple from the heart, often born of wisdom, separated from nature, that is, Fukuda, unexamined monks teach for what service? Patriarch said: This is too Li Ge hunt root, Yu Do more words, the trough plant to go. That backyard retreat master was sent broken wood pestle riding, service labored tirelessly after year. Suddenly Wuzu day, saying: I think thy see available, fear of a wicked jealous Ru Ru harm, then do not whether the 汝言, Ruzhi it? Master said: disciples understand that while the division is intended, it can not line the front of the hall, it is feel. Wuzu day people try to call the door, saying: Thou shalt make each Yi Ji was coming, if realize the effect, pay-Ru Yi law, the sixth generation of ancestors, namely speed as to not be sluggish, consider that is useless; if and see the people, again revealing raskauslaskuri that see, for example, raskauslaskuri round knife battle, Yide see it. Public retreat meeting, saying: I waited Morohito, do not have the intention to make the mechanics Chengxin, have shown a monk, nothing beneficial also. Shenxiu attendance, now a professor at the division, he will have to, as my generation vertical raskauslaskuri verses, also in vain intentions force. Shenxiu from thinking, pending hesitate hesitate when ancestral front is a three-step gallery, will be invited to worship Lu Zhen painted Lankavatara disguised map, and Wuzu blood diagram, spread support, the show is a book on martial Langbi. Verse reads: "the body is linden, heart like a mirror raskauslaskuri sets, always wipe ground, without rendering the dust alight." Ji Shenxiu book verse has been all night is not safe, Wuzu predict its meaning, Ji Huan Lu Tianming worship to the south gallery wall painting phase diagram, to find its verses, that statement is no longer with the painting, by saying: "Where all the phases are all false," but remain 此偈, and people recite, according 此偈 repair, that is a big interest , free Duoe Dao, and even if the doors were to bow stick of incense, raskauslaskuri chanting Ciji do, you get to see nature.
That night three shifts, Wuzu Shenxiu call comes in, he asked: Ru as verse is not. Show words, is the show for real, not pretend raskauslaskuri ancestral place, looking monk compassion, to see whether the disciples had little wisdom? Patriarch said: Ru for Ci Ji, no nature, only to the door, inside raskauslaskuri the uninitiated, this opinion, seek not get the supreme Bodhi, supreme enlightenment, be subject again revealing knowledge from the original mind, see from nature, not birth and no death, at all time, and obsessed with self See methodology without raskauslaskuri delay, a true all true, Wan territory freely as such as of the heart, that is true, if the case, see, that is also supreme raskauslaskuri Self Bodhi . Ru and go, thinking one or two days, but for Yi Ji, I see the future, if get into the door, pay Ru Yi law, namely Shenxiu out for the ceremony. And after a few days, the hearts of trance, disturbed mental state, like in a dream, sitting in a row is not fun.
There is a boy in the room had pestle, chanting raskauslaskuri their verses, the master heard about, knowledge of which is still unknown Che saw that, although not a professor raskauslaskuri Mongolia, and already know the effect, then asked the boy, saying: He who recite the verse? Boy said: Er Ge Liao know this or not? Founder had a saying, I want to pass on Yui pay law, so that the doors were made verse of view, if the Wu effect, clothes-you-go method of the sixth generation raskauslaskuri of the founder, Shenxiu attendance today, raskauslaskuri on the south Langbi book no phase verse, it is chanting master study , according to Ci Ji repair. That master said: I hereby pestle room more than eight months, not done to break and lead to the Master Wang verse week ago, the boy that is then sought, and former martial lead to, master complex reading please whom, when Jiangzhou Bie Jia Zhang household in the side, is the chanting of the master. Master then said: I also Yiji, took the book of hope do not drive, do not drive heard, alarmed undecided. Master said: I want to learn supreme enlightenment, do not light a novice at Sophia servant there, there is no intention on the Master wisdom, if young people, that there are limitless sin. Biejia That said: thou but song verses, my book is Ru, Ruruo well, first I must degrees, fortunately not forget. That said master verse reads: "There is no Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror, had no one, where can the dust alight."
Ci Ji master book has, followers all surprised that the words of each phase, Qizai! Can not judge by appearances, it was serving a long time to make the flesh Buddha! Wuzu see all scared strange, fear damage to people, then we have to wipe their shoes verse reads: also no sex. Wen then all is not natural. The next day, Wuzu latent to pestle room, see master jadeite Tsuishine, phrase reads: aspirant person, forget the footer for the law, when the case Down? Complex and asked: rice cooked has not? Master raskauslaskuri said: rice cooked for some time now, I still owe sieve! raskauslaskuri That cane pestle Wuzu three times away. That would be the ancestral Italian masters, is a three-shift night burglary, Wuzu to robe Wai, not very See Zheng Wu scold their early fate, then the Diamond Sutra says, to "be born Wu Suozhu their hearts' sentence, That master again revealing Dawu, all separated Self methodology, raskauslaskuri then Kai Zu said: "He of self-nature, of what this self-clean Self, this is not where birth and death of the Self, what this self-endowed of Self... This not waver. He of self-nature, to be living methodology. "
Wuzu know already enlightened nature, once said: do not know Conscience, the study of law useless, if the knowledge from the original mind, see from nature, that were a real man, Heaven teacher, the Buddha. raskauslaskuri When the Masters comes in three shifts by law, people do not know, will pass Dayton to teach, and the mantle, the sixth generation of the founder of Zen; and enjoin good self-care concept, breadth affectionate, and spread in the future, not so cut off. And pay verse reads: "affectionate raskauslaskuri to planting, because of the ground also born fruit, ruthless Ji no species, asexual no students." Multiplexing said: past master Bodhidharma, first came to this earth, raskauslaskuri people did not believe it, so pass this dress that token, Daidaixiangcheng law to heart to heart, raskauslaskuri engraved in Ziwu witness. Since ancient times, but pass Fofo nature, teacher pay close Conscience division, clothing for the dispute, only Yu and pass, preach this clothing, life as hanging wire, thou shall go fast, people fear harm Yu. Masters asked: After this go? Zu said: "Every pregnant raskauslaskuri then stop, then the case will be Tibetan." raskauslaskuri Masters Again: disciple of the Lingnan people do not know this mountain prime, how to get out of the estuary? Patriarch said: Yu do not have to worry, I shall send Yu.
Hui Ming to, try to lift the mantle can not play, is the call, saying: Walker, Walker, I come for the law, not for the clothes come! Master is sitting out on the rock, bow Seeking Huiming. Master said: Yu Ji for the law come to breath Zhu Yuan, not born of an idea, I Weiru Shui. Hui Ming according to teach, and live a long time. Masters is said: do not think good, do not think evil, when positive change of position Why, that is clear Theravada true colors? Hui made it clear that under Dawu, complex and asked: up close unexpectedly secret language, but also more dense intention not? Master said: with Ruke say, that is also a non-dense, Ruruo flashback, dense in Ru edge. Ming said: Hui Ming, although in Huangmei indeed not save their own face, this mask instructions, such as human drinking water, Lengnuanzizhi, this monk namely Huiming teacher also. Master said: Ruruo case, Wu Yuru same division apricot, mostly from good self. Ming asked: Hui Ming in the future go? Master said: "Every Yuan then ended, in case Mongolia is living." (After Huiming to Yuanzhou Monsanto, to avoid the ancestral taboo, renamed Dominion.) Ming That ceremony speech, back to the ridge, called for by the congregation, saying: Ask Zhi Cui Wei, not even a trace, when the other channel search, the UTS for the course, then gradually dispersed.
Tang Emperor Giho first year of the Rat month on the 15th, and India will be four were Master general congregation, as a teacher Dressed as a monk, February 8 set all of Tak, granted its foot ring. When Xijing raskauslaskuri Zhiguang lawyers Shoujie division, Suzhou Hui Jing lawyers karma, Jingzhou pass should attorney for professors, in India Jain Doro lawyers say quit, Western countries as evidence Sanzo more dense ring. Its altar is Liu Song Gunabhadra Sanzo created and pre Hutchison said: When the flesh after Buddha, this ordained. And Liang Tian prison first year, Tripitaka, sailing from India come to a Bi Tu Linden, plant this altar banks, also pre Hutchison said: After 170 years, there is flesh Buddha, this tree, curtain excellent, of immeasurable public, raskauslaskuri Lord Buddha really pass the Mind of the law also. Master raskauslaskuri to be made Shoujie wish, and show a single pass of the purpose and the four public opening, an ever know.
Congenital Guichou years old, the third day of August, in the country and stop Grace Temple Chai, namely with followers say, shows go to Italy, complex Shuiji said: "Wu Wu is not rehabilitated, steaming without committing evil, knowing about breaking knowledge, sway the heart without a "teacher 说偈 himself, sitting three more, the door suddenly that people said: I carry the line. That Boranqianhua. Fragrant themselves in at the time, Bai consistent, the white trees, animals whine. Wide, Shaoguan, new Tri-County bureaucracy, JI monks and lay people competing welcome door Mami, Mo decided raskauslaskuri by the. Prayer is the incense, saying: cigarette refers to the Department, the division of the return Yan? Cigarette Zhiguan caoxi, November 13, moved to the shrine, and preached raskauslaskuri the mantle and back. July 25 next year, the shrine, raskauslaskuri the disciples to Hong mud Tu, after iron leaf linoleum, solid nurse neck, door man was taken first in memory master mind also. When the tower, suddenly appeared in the tower of white, straight up into the sky, three days beginning scattered. Master Spring seventy six years twenty-four pass clothes, hair thirty-nine wish, saying Lisheng thirty-seven load, heir Law 43 people, enlightenment extraordinary person, Mozhi its number.
Based Sutra records, Patriarch smell off recite raskauslaskuri the Diamond Sutra, to "be raskauslaskuri born Wu Suozhu its heart," one that has been enlightened, until apricot, raskauslaskuri complex in the middle of the night burglary, Wuzu Zheng Wu scold its edge, thus sentence , the words below Dawu. Also said that the three-shift burglary, Wuzu to clothing Wai, Diamond Sutra so far as to say the sentence and Dawu. Where this three said each according to the data, so the Sixth Patriarch has problems Wu edge, a few become heavy eternal Mystery raskauslaskuri Zen next door. Second: there is that the Patriarch as "had no one," Yi Ji, the still saw the concentric empty side, until a three-shift burglary, raskauslaskuri Wuzu mention ear-face, suddenly Dawu, side say: All That law, separated from nature and other words, this party is Dawu cloud go.
Zen Buddhism raskauslaskuri is the heart cases; cardiac cases, that is the heart of Buddhism to; heart to those, but cut saw that Conscience, raskauslaskuri clear from the nature of the Buddha, next to the outside of the request does not matter too. Zen enlightenment, said that Wu this Mind, Self Buddha, from the heart of the holy; Wu Zhe, Wu this reason, Permit, permit raskauslaskuri the matter to the dual management system this enlightenment, simplicity of the language alone that of Wu . But one meaning raskauslaskuri of the word enlightenment, the pan with it, there is reason of Wu Wu, experience of enlightenment, enlightened self-heart from a witness point of enlightenment. Wu Li enlightenment, are understood, the so-called solution of knowing science, Yiyue comprehension, yet non-Zen. Experience of enlightenment, are perception, because of something sensible, science and things get a little accordingly, Zen appellation there, the provincial who, due to their perception of things and science, and some provinces also issued. Enlightenment enlightenment, is still special Zen enlightenment, enlightened, and reason things double melting, and the solution to the row; things are relative raskauslaskuri realm, said something phase, the rationale no visions, only with Zhijue; Dual financial affairs, namely Zhijue visions obliterate the rationale of that, Zhijue rationale, complex melt in among the visions of things, each of which does not leave or Zhijue phase, hence the saying no names, no say, incredible. However, there are degrees of enlightenment depth, raskauslaskuri its findings that there are differences in the size of the card affair; and order in accordance with the teachings raskauslaskuri of the difference in the early Wu said: Buddha raskauslaskuri open perception. And then said: the Buddha perception. Dawu said: Prove Buddhism raskauslaskuri perception, although the degree of depth is different, and the same enlightenment, it is actually a. In a very real reason to, this is the one, the one to be segmented and strong, according to a focus Yizhi, the non-distinct from one another outside a Wu Jing. Rentongcixin, Xintongcili, raskauslaskuri so Bono Buddha, enlightenment and come to their senses, the same as those with the heart of this solid reason; those who come to their senses, as its head from the fans, but recognize its shadow, realize the person, such as mirror Kam-face, from the see real head, solid in is also.
And three-shift burglary, Wuzu levy scold speak, to complex "should Wusuo Zhu," one only heart light Ye then, suddenly Dawu, the so-called certificate of Buddha who is also known to see. This party to say what words of self and other, like a mirror Yiji compared raskauslaskuri with Bodhi more opacity. Surprisingly, since the present is surpassingly methodology can be born, of course, not nothing, though, so while always still better off in this self-clean. No birth and death, moved. And from the beginning raskauslaskuri to the end, it is still "had no one first.where." None of which may not be something real strong to make things, not segmented jump to Health segment. To get herein, the has no solids are easy to say that there empty, Yizhu right words, and its depth of see a partial circle the size of the other, regardless refers to the junior high school before, when there is also capacity. Jackson raskauslaskuri had refused to give up being to Huanglong Chung said: "Patriarch then is not her husband, asked people to book wall from confused, clearly there is nothing Jiyan, but an alms bowl by his family," followed by, Da Hui Zong Gao said Jackson has continued its meaning : "Road alms bowl and if things are not things matter, refused to give up the old nor the husband, if the path of non-material, raskauslaskuri ZHengNai raskauslaskuri alms bowl what??" in this issue of the ancients, has also proposed, thus see the Patriarch of enlightenment since the smell off chanting raskauslaskuri have to wake up, that is a three-shift burglary, and even opening statement and finally into the hall off, only this one Wu, nothing strange, so-called sub-problem has only raised in respect of Tao 's depth, the scope of its size indeed no real law may limit too.
Outside the complex that Dharma Dharma Mind, do not have a secret work; not knowing Dayu Lingtou, Hui-ming has also asked the Sixth Patriarch, as well as a secret means no award? Patriarch reported to the "汝若 flashback, in the Ru edge." Is plainly stated that there is a world no secret, but it can flashback raskauslaskuri from the heart, it can espy, if the law in the heart, but it is full of the outer edge, Chi seek out so-called, are wrong views, not within the next Xinxing. Thus Buddha Nianhua, Kassapa smile, raskauslaskuri one is plainly in Nian Hua, a smile is knowing that no secret, we know only soulmate, said there is a secret, said no teaching Nianhua without raskauslaskuri smiling ever get What for? This is a kind of Zen and heart Dharma large machines Dayong, indeed non outsiders know, to Nianhua Nianhua heart, a smile is the smile from the heart, such as another secret, just as the ancient Zen monks are saying: "defecate sagittal raskauslaskuri view. " raskauslaskuri
Wu again later see Mind, karma before the arrival, it can not be macro method, this Buddhist karma so pay attention to the season, and the Confucian emphasis on the Games, the same as a manager. Mencius said: "Notwithstanding the wisdom, as momentum, although the Tzu base, it is better to be at." Hunter team fifteen years, an opportunity to be places raskauslaskuri of arrival, the Sixth Patriarch of years of change, so that by the time the punch enemies Dan The chemical control aversion, while Tao unlucky raskauslaskuri period apricot conserve miscellaneous income raskauslaskuri so that God regards full and bright, and so the mountains raskauslaskuri macro method, that blockbuster, has attained the so-called holy realm of the unknowable, it has spirits eventuality God becomes force. This newcomer that is visible Wu repair, is essential, this the reason II.
The so-called by a variety of famous sermons, as well as the establishment of all kinds of wears are convenient front row, guide their card into a Dharma body. But since become a religion

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