Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 3, 2015, 11:15

Always tired? Here are the six most common causes | CHIC
1. Iron deficiency. If you are a woman and constantly tired and lethargic there is a great risk that you have iron deficiency. Close to one in four women of childbearing british heart foundation age have iron deficiency and 7-8 percent have anemia due to iron deficiency. If you have heavy periods, pregnancy, vegan or exercise a lot, you can suffer.
Solution: Load the pantry and fridge with iron-rich foods such as spinach, broccoli, fish, whole grains, liver, liver pate, black pudding, beef, Brussels sprouts, oatmeal, dried apricots, sunflower seeds and almonds. Vitamin british heart foundation C-rich vegetables, juice, fruit and berries increases iron absorption and sauerkraut doubles it. Tea and coffee drinking british heart foundation with food can inhibit the absorption of iron.
2. Lack of sleep. If you are constantly tough, tired, have difficulty concentrating and impaired reactions may be due to lack of sleep, or you have a poor quality of sleep. Most of us need up to 6-8 hours of sleep per night.
3. Thyroid Disorder. A common cause of fatigue is an under-functioning thyroid, or hypothyroidism as the medical term reads. Often triggered british heart foundation disruption of hormone fluctuations during stress, pregnancy and menopause. Symptoms include fatigue, difficulty concentrating, headache, lactic acid in the muscles, mood swings, depression, low body temperature, constipation, eczema, hair loss, sore throat, PMS, shortness of breath, palpitations, weight gain and infertility. Hypothyroidism british heart foundation is 5-10 times more common in women than in men.
4. Seasonal Affective Disorder. Blues coming when the light changes with the season called SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. If you feel depressed, irritable, extremely tired, and have a great need of sleep even when you sleep a lot, it may well be due to seasonal affective disorder.
Solution: Average SPRING FEVER can be alleviated by regular exercise and be much out there in daylight without sunglasses. Light therapy in special light zones can also help. Sometimes you have to SSRIs, so-called happy pills, or therapy, or a combination. Although CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy, can be a viable solution.
4. Lack of vitamin B12. Anyone who eat little or no meat, eat unilaterally, british heart foundation have heavy periods or bowel disease may suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. Common symptoms include fatigue, palpitations, tingling, depression, poor balance, irritability, memory problems and impaired sensation in the legs and feet. B12 is needed, among other things, to produce new red blood cells. british heart foundation The cause of the deficiency may be an inflammation of the stomach lining. A blood test at the doctor can show if you have vitamin british heart foundation B12 deficiency.
5. Chronic fatigue british heart foundation syndrome, ME. ME, chronic fatigue syndrome, can affect anyone, and new research says that the disease may be related to a disorder of the immune system, and that even a virus may be involved. Common symptoms are prolonged fatigue, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, impaired short-term memory, pain in joints, muscle pain, headache and malaise after exertion.
Solution: Rest, massage, acupuncture, meditation or mindfulness can help alleviate. Pacing is a method that helps ME patients to find the right balance between rest and activity. CBT can help patients to live with ME. Vitamin supplements by including B12 and folic acid are sometimes given.
May 4, 2015, 15:04
May 3, 2015, 11:15
Victoria's Secret presents 10 new angels (one from Sweden!)
Blog I get quite often questions about how to get magrutor, a question that there is an obvious ... Read more
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